Heart of Wisdom: The ABC's of Getting the Wisdom of God

Heart of Wisdom: The ABC's of Getting the Wisdom of God

Are you confused about what to do and how to make wise decisions? Today, I encourage you to get wisdom from God. Grow a heart of wisdom and learn the ABCs of getting the wisdom of God.

You have received without paying, So give without being paid. Matthew 10:8b

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Today’s Gospel talks about thinking as God does and not as humans do. This is a really good reminder for us why we need to learn the ABCs of getting wisdom from God and have a heart of wisdom.

21 From that time on, Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised. 22 Then Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, “God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you.” 23 He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” Matthew 16

Yesterday, I contemplated if I should follow what Nicolas Cole, a well-known online writer, has done to build a library of content in a category or niche? and attract his ideal audience:

  • Write every day answering answers on Quora
  • Assess what among his answers resonates with readers and what their responses are
  • Build digital products according to his readers’ response?

This strategy made him one of the top Quora writers, with millions of views, after only 1 year of writing.

Should I also write answers daily on Quora and repurpose them by posting to Substack, Medium, and LinkedIn so I can grow my audience fast?

My God-inspired Business Strategy

When I started my online business, the Lord led me to this bible verse:

On one occasion, Jesus was preaching to a crowd on the shore of Lake Galilee. A vast multitude of people was pushing to get close to Jesus to hear the word of God. He noticed two fishing boats at the water’s edge, with the fishermen nearby, rinsing their nets.
Jesus climbed into the boat belonging to Simon Peter and said to him, “Let me use your boat. Push it off a short distance away from the shore so I can speak to the crowd.” Jesus sat down and taught the people from the boat.
When he had finished, he said to Peter, “Now row out to deep water to cast your nets and you will have a great catch.” “Master,” Peter replied, “we’ve just come back from fishing all night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you insist, we’ll go out again and let down our nets because of your word.”
When they pulled up their nets, they were shocked to see a huge catch of fish, and their nets were ready to burst! Luke 5:1-6 The Passion Translation (TPT)

In accordance with this verse, my own business strategy that God has shown me for earning online as a writer has been to:

Cast nets

  • Write on several social blogs for wide Reach
  • Attract Rented audience

I write an inspirational article once a week, SpeakChrist Lovenote, inspiring and encouraging God’s people to live life in Christ, and post it on Substack, Medium, LinkedIn, and Quora.

My intent is to grow my readership and SpeakChrist – inspiration and encouragement from the word of God – everywhere the people of God are. My articles would be like nets that I cast far and wide to catch the attention of readers who also want to go on an adventure of living life in Christ, like me.

Catch people

  • Turn Rented audience to Owned subscribers
  • Grow Relationship

For readers who are interested in following my work more closely, I invite them to be subscribers. At the end of every article, I have a CTA to subscribe to my newsletter.

My intent is to turn my rented readers into my owned subscribers and grow my relationship with them. Once they are my subscribers, I want to turn them into friends, my Nakama, who journey with me through the ups and downs of this adventure of living life in Christ, inspiring and encouraging one another.

Cash in

  • Gain supporters from subscribers
  • Sell for Revenues

Eventually, I hope to cash in with revenues. My intent is to gain supporters from my subscribers. I offer helpful digital products on a FREE or pay-as-inspired basis. For those inspired to support my work, there’s a chance for them to give one-off or monthly. For my supporters, I hope to have exclusive content like my online journal – my intimate prayers, hopes, dreams, and God’s answers to me as well as tools that help me grow as a person. Basically, they will have a glimpse of how I live my life in Christ daily so they too can be inspired as the Lord has inspired me. Also, they will have early access to my new ebooks and projects.

Like, Luffy in OnePiece, I want to have a Nakama, friends who I can share the journey and adventure of living life in Christ with. My SpeakChrsit nakama who I can be a friend with faith.

Like what Joel Osteen said:

God is counting on you to be a friend with faith. Step in and believe for them while they can’t believe. Speak victory into their life. Remind them that God is still on the throne, that what He started, He’s going to finish.

But my growth is admittedly slow. I wondered if growth would be faster if I did the daily Quora strategy like Nicolas Cole did.?

So I turned to the Lord for guidance and asked HIm about it.

God’s Answer to my Prayer for Guidance

When I opened up X as part of my daily online job routine, I was touched by this tweet from Joel Osteen. I even Quoted it.

Wow. My path suddenly cleared for me. I got God’s answer – leave it alone.

I remembered what the Lord told me last year regarding this. Here I’ll share with you what I wrote in my journal back then:

Your writing is your priority at the moment. I want the books I want written through you. And I want them done and published the soonest you can. I have given you the channels where to publish it: Amazon, Draft2Digital outlets, Google Play, Lulu, and your own shop. Include paperbacks on the other platforms.
This is how you will rebuild my Temple, My people (Zechariah 8:13). Get on with that task.
2 hours daily will be enough for now. That means everyday, even Sunday. I understand you need to relax your mind on that day and stay away from your laptop as a way to reboot and recharge, but 2 hours is not too much. Besides, you write on your phone’s doc, anyway.
Treat Saturday as your business day. After 2 hours of writing, do whatever you can with your online business: focus on content creation for your Print On Demand shops, Digital Shop, blog, and social media channels.
So you have 5 days to work on your 2 online jobs, 1 business day, and 1 rest day. Do as much as you can on those 5 days with your job but stop counting the hours as a way to earn more. I am your Source. It doesn’t matter to Me how many hours you work, I will bless you.?
You are not of the hustler economy. You are under the Blessed economy. You are not a hustler. You are a citizen and minister of My Kingdom.
My Heart to Yours, Tata Velasquez, September 23, 2022

My focus right now is not audience growth. That is God’s job. To lead to me the audience that He wants me to have. Just like He gave Peter a great catch.

My focus is to publish all the books I’ve written.

I have written a couple of books since last year and the Lord told me to have them published. That was September of last year yet.

I have revised and published my 2 existing ebooks but there are still 2 more I need to edit and publish. I need to have it in places where they can be accessible to you forever even when I die: Amazon, Google Play, Lulu, and many other book distributors via Draft2Digital.

Maybe next year, starting this new year, I can start writing daily for self-improvement but right now, I need to focus all my attention on obeying the Lord and have those ebooks published.

My Stubbornness and God’s Patience

Today, 2 days later, I was updating my SpeakChrist Angels supporters Ko-Fi page to make it clear what I’m all about.?

It came to me to write and post here, maybe daily, my online journal blog. To share with my supporters my own prayer journal so they can get a glimpse of how I try to live my life in Christ. Because they will be my intimate prayers, hopes, and dreams, they cannot be shared with just anyone online. Posting them exclusively on my supporter page will ensure that they will only be read by people who support me and have chosen to journey with me more closely.

So I wrote my first supporter content there. My Newsletter, SpeakChrist Lovenote, I post on Substack, Medium, Linked In, and Quora. But my online journal will be exclusive to my supporter page only.

But a nagging thought worried me: I don’t have an audience yet. Wouldn’t it be better to post daily on a platform where I can gain more readers like Quora, LinkedIn, or Medium?

With that thought, I found myself browsing Quora again for possible questions I could answer.

Suddenly, I got a notification from Joel Osteen’s YouTube channel on my phone. What do you know, it’s a shorts video telling me: God Will Take Care of It / Leave it Alone.

Can you believe that? You can call it coincidence but I call it Providence – the protective care of God.

Yeah, I’m stubborn and disobedient most of the time, but God is a patient and loving Father I turn to no matter how many times I’ve sinned.

Now Your Turn

Are you confused about something you need to decide on and want to know exactly what you should do?

Get Wisdom from God.

Acquire wisdom! Acquire understanding! Do not forget nor turn away from the words of My mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will guard you; Love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; And with all your acquiring, get understanding. Prize her, and she will exalt you; She will honor you if you embrace her. Proverbs 4:5-9 New American Standard Bible – NASB 1995 (NASB1995)

Apply these ABCs of getting wisdom from God so you can grow a heart of wisdom.

The ABC’s of Getting Wisdom from God to Grow a Heart of Wisdom

  • Ask God to help and guide you. God wants to be involved in every aspect of your life. He is just waiting for you to ask Him.

  • Be Mindful of His answer. If you are mindful, God can speak to you in many ways. As you can see, He spoke to me through His Word, a Tweet, and a video. The Lord primarily speaks through His Word, the Bible. But if you’ve learned to listen to and speak with God, you’ll find Him using anything He can to speak to your spirit.

  • Care to obey. When you obey what God has told you to do, no matter how you may not understand it yet, you will start to grow in wisdom and knowledge of God’s ways.?

This is how you grow a heart of wisdom.

Let’s Pray:

Dearest Lord,
Give me a heart of wisdom. Help me think as You do and not as my human nature does. I will ask You regarding all affairs of my life, be mindful of Your answers, and care to obey all Your inspirations and directions. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

This is it for now. Till next week.

To our health, wealth, and victory — GODSPEED!


If you want to be a SpeakChrist Angel and support me, sharing in my ministry of inspiration and encouragement in Christ, you can do it here. ?? And get your FREE gifts too!

Do you want to go on an adventure of living life in Christ with me? I will be your Nakama, your friend with faith. I will SpeakChrist – inspiration and encouragement from the Word of God – into your life.

Be my Nakama. Join my crew. Join SpeakChrist Lovenote newsletter.


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