The Heart And Soul Of Working In The Dirt
Mikel Bowman
President at Bowman Legacies. Best selling author, Coach, Keynote Speaker, Leadership Development Coach, Business Coach, Personal Development Coach, Life Coach and Mentor.
Drill rig #53. She was a Sandvick DI550. I’m told she’s getting a facelift come Monday. Spent a lot of time in that thing. Almost lost my life in it when a face of the high wall sluffed off and we almost went over. I was in that rig two o’clock in the AM Thanksgiving morning. At the family dinner table that afternoon I fell asleep mid sentence and even snored in front of my whole family. I worked lots of long hours and missed out on my kids growing up some. Missed birthday parties, camp outs, and my youngest learning to ride her bike. Glad I had those times so I could learn what boots on the ground are going through on a daily basis. That’s why I fight for our guys. That’s why I’m not always the most well liked when I’m challenging us for more. Thats why I’m passionate. That’s why I come to work. To fight for the lives of those who build America. Turner Mining Group, I love you! I see the hard work, the mud, the blood, and the hydraulic fluid! Know that I’ve been there and I’m pulling for you every day! Also know the operations staff though in an office works just as hard to keep this steam train on the tracks! They fly coast to coast. Log thousands of air miles, go through lots of sleepless nights, take red eyes to lengthen their time with you, hustle and get in their with the big boys without a sign of intimidation. We’re all fighting together! Poor work culture, we’re coming for you! Competition, we’re coming for you! Safety records, we’re coming for you! Each day as we grow stronger we love our people and comrades all the more. As we link shields for battle we become a brotherhood from the haul truck drivers, to the operations staff.
There’s is nothing more powerful than those fighting for each other because of love. There’s nothing more dangerous than a revolution led by those people. Here’s to rig #53, here’s to my brothers, here’s to the Turner Revolution! #Turnerrevolution #turnermininggroup #keatonturner #lovepeoplemovedirt