Heart. Soul. Spirit.

Heart. Soul. Spirit.

In the quest to pass on truth, we often forget that learning is not just a function of the mind but of the heart, the soul, and the spirit. A person needs the strength of the three to learn anything and become truly. You must assess the strength of the three to know the most effective way to pass on the lesson. In truth, that's not always easy or always possible...but still, I dare you to try.

Practically, ask questions that help you get to know them.

Heart: The essence of who a person is, who they long to be. For example, What is your name? What would you like me to call you? What do you enjoy? What is important to you? You can find the heart of your student.

Soul: The seat of intelligence and will. What level are they at when it comes to learning? What is their strongest domain of intelligence? How can you use that to your advantage? How willing are they to learn from you? What is the strength of that will

Spirit: Closely related to the heart. I don't know how to articulate accurately. Here is my trial: I believe there is a Spirit in man, a Breath, a being that seats every other dimension of being. If you learn the things of the Spirit, you can reach and change a person's spirit forever.


