The Heart & Soul of our World
Debbie (Pomeroy) Cloud
Strategic Analyst of Emerging Trends & Incapacitation, Community Grassroot Empowerment & Principal RE Broker
What is sad is that we are blind to some basic changes in our world. In recent times the quality of our food, our air, our water, our soil, our live and our systems. We do not realize the shifts that have occurred slowly over time that have shifted not only the way we see things, but how we approach life. With this shift, we just don't see it, we don't grasp the nature of it and we are lost in how to address any of it. Yet we know things are wrong. Each of us are driven inside to do something, since we are blinded by the mess, we have no real way to determine what to do about most things. There are some amazing things in this world going on, yet there is an under current that is causing so much more harm. We need to do more... NOW. There are more questions, than answers.
While reading Marianne Williamson "Healing the Soul of America" I am blown away with so many truths, and how all should read this book.
"Americans have become so passive in the face of systemic threats to our freedom. For decades, the American public education system tried to teach children WHAT to think, avoiding its greater mission in a free society: to teach children HOW to think. Teaching children HOW to think means fostering minds that are questioning, assertive, open-minded and creative...while we were dominated economically by the rule of industrialization, the tacit pact that American education made with industry was to provide the system with masses of Americans who would show up on time, do as they were told, not ask a lot of questions, and not bother to assert themselves.... passion was squelched... thus turn off mind.... there is a silence about things that matter most...
What we have got to do is rise above, begin thinking again and feeling again like the passionate, authentic, brilliant human beings we were created to be. From that place we will cast a web of insights and manifestation that will disperse malaise and malice, and bring us back to life. The only way to ultimately counter antidemocratic forces is to foster democratic ones...
We need a new American Revolution now, a revolution of consciousness and soul... take our minds back [and soul & heart]... American would transform.
Yet most of us do not show anywhere near their courage or conviction. Rather, our thinking marches right in line with whatever command the invisible beast hands down. Our biggest fear is the disapproval of his minions.
The heart-filled mind knows no defeat...
But without the strength of an enlivened mind, we become passive observers to our own lives, easy to sell to and easy to control. Thus the onset of our national disease citizen anemia...
Each of us has within us depths of intelligence and creativity that come forth only in response to meaningful purpose...
'Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country'
We were born for something far more important than the attainment of mere self centered goals....
The Government has changed dramatically since I was in the White House.... there has been a hardening of concern in the Federal Government and the other levels of government, a sternness about people who are unfortunate, a condemnation of people who are different... a discrimination against people... that is quiet traumatic in its impact... [she spoke about native americans, blacks and the poor - yet there are more and more with anyone that does not fit into the government cookie cutter "standard" - alternative to their preconceived norm - the rest fall into different, wrong and need to be corrected - scary... real scary!!]...
When it comes to the behavior of national governments and huge multinational conglomerates, it is very easy for the individual to look away. It is very easy to say, 'This has nothing to do with me. I can't make a difference anyway.'"
I am almost finished with Marianne's book. Her words are the truths I have lived my life by since I started this journey. One step at the time, doing what I can. This world is a mess. There is so much hope. We have to keep the faith. There are so many great people doing great things. The people in the system are not bad people. Don't get me wrong there are bad people, though they do not wear signs stating that simple fact. Life does not come with a manual. Only through our own dedication to the journey and self discovery will we realize life is very simple. Each and every choice we make either is in line with who we are and what we believe. Selling our soul is what has sold the soul of our world. To reclaim our world, we need to reclaim our soul one step at a time.
As long was we continue to turn a blind eye and say this has nothing to do with me just allowing things that make us American slip more and more away... we will not be American at all. Many say we are not... our heart and soul are dead.
I would rather revive the American Dream from the ashes and restore our life to mean something, to stand for something real and to build a future we can be proud. With so much upset and mayhem, how can we.
Again simple, make our lives worth something. All any of us can do is become mindful, stop supporting things that are against who we are and actively live into our best selves! The choice is ultimately ours.