Heart is Not Just a Pump
Dr. Irina Valentin, Ph.D., SCA
Neuropsychologist, School and Clinical Psychologist - adults and children
I will never forget taking my grandson to the Toronto Zoo during the COVID pandemic. Circles painted on the ground ensured physical distancing, but as a pediatric neuropsychologist, I noticed something fascinating: the children weren't looking at the animals—they were looking at each other, they wanted to connect.
Later, I discovered why this might be: our hearts' electromagnetic fields extend several feet away. Even when physically distanced, our hearts remain connected.
The Heart's Hidden Intelligence
Research shows that conscious attention to heart rhythm and breathing can create "psychophysiological coherence" – a state where multiple biological systems synchronize for optimal function.
The heart isn't just a pump – it's a sophisticated information processing center that influences and is influenced by your thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being. By creating coherence between heart and brain, we actively participate in optimizing our health.
Recent research reveals that the heart generates a measurable electromagnetic field that can:
The Science of Heart Synchronization
When people spend time together, particularly in close relationships, their heart rhythms can actually synchronize. Studies have shown that mothers and infants, couples, and even people in group meditation can develop synchronized heart patterns. This synchronization appears to strengthen emotional bonds and enhance empathy.
The Heart-Brain Conversation
The heart and brain maintain constant communication through neural, hormonal, and electromagnetic pathways. By focusing attention on our internal processes, we can influence this communication.
Think of it like learning to play a musical instrument – with practice, we can "tune" our nervous system to play more harmoniously. Regular practice can:
Your Daily Heart Practice
I hope I've convinced you to think about your heart not only when something feels wrong. By dedicating just a few minutes daily to heart-focused attention, you'll develop coherence that allows you to: