Heart is for Humanity
Heart is the eternal symbol which doesn't need explanation.
On Valentine's Day it's all about heart shape.
On an ordinary day we prefer it cushion.
But at the moments when the world is fragile like never before, Heart takes a meaning more profound and sacred than just amorous commonplace.
May this new collection of #yavorskyy cut Hearts remind us of the values that should be celebrated daily, without special occasions: Health, Humanity, and Harmony.
Pick your Heart online and give it to your dearest people, as a precious token of your love and care.
Good news: a Heart of Gem does not break.
Another good news: a Gem can teleport you in time and space.
Even if the world is closed and you can't travel your dream destination, you still can touch the heaven on earth.
This is the magic of Paraiba, the most wanted Gemstone today.
Your Gem-quality piece of blue paradise will be delivered right into your hands, immersing your heart in the crystalline waters, bringing back the bliss and the value of life.