Elizabeth Asahi Sato, Executive MPA
CEO/Founder Rise to Excellence, Organizational Capacity Building, Hunam Resource Administration, Business/Organizational Consultant for private, public, tribal, inclusive faith-based & nonprofits
All-day, I was trying to think of something deep or profound to share, but what can be more profound than the legacy and the life of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr?
A dear friend of mine sent me this song "On fire," and immediately, the advice of Rosa Parks resonated in my heart. Mrs. Rosa Parks lovingly reminded me when we met for dinner how much she loved Jesus. She told me that her life would not be as it was without the influence of God in her life. She also reminded me that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a profound man of faith. I was a baby in the faith at the time—much of my training was in Buddhism, and I found Christians to be overly emotional. Faith, to me, was private, a deeply personal expression sequestered in prayer but not to Rosa and certainly not to Dr. King.
Dr. King and Rosa Parks changed my life. Dr. King was "on fire" for God. Like Mrs. Parks, he was courageous, filled with grace, but most importantly, desirous of doing God's will. Dr. King saw faith as an urgent call to service, a selfless call to action but action with love.
I can't believe I hesitated from penning anything today about Dr. King's faith perspective for fear of being judged by those weary of the bible banging televangelists proclaiming trump as the new messiah. I don't believe Trump has much to do with any genuine love for humanity, and I do not think Dr. King or Mrs. Parks would purport such nonsense.
“To have serpent-like qualities, devoid of dovelike qualities, is to be passionless, mean, and selfish. To have dovelike without serpent-like qualities is to be sentimental, anemic, and aimless. We must combine strongly marked antitheses.” ― Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love
Donald Trump and his army of self-righteous political pundits do not honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. Trump could not hold a candle to ANY Of the great civil rights leaders I have met and known in my lifetime—he lacks the passion, compassion, mercy, and love for people.
God warns about deceivers presenting themselves as light displaying behavior that is contrary to what the Gospel illustrates in its most complex and profound sense. Dr. King's heart and his message transcended race, community, and global boundaries. His words were on fire during his life because he was on fire for God, and his words still ring true today. Let his words burn brightly in our hearts and motivate our actions.
"Honesty also impels us to admit that the church has not been true to its social mission on the question of racial justice. In this area, it has failed Christ miserably. This failure is due not only to the fact that the church has been appallingly silent and disastrously indifferent to the realm of race relations but even more to the fact that it has often been an active participant in shaping and crystallizing the patterns of the race-caste system." ― Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love
Beloved friends, I do not know what tomorrow holds, but I do know who holds tomorrow.
Since first meeting this complex God who has required so much of me-- I am still on fire, just like Dr. King and Mrs. Parks. I want to illustrate through my life the kind of love that I know I could never generate in my strength. It is so much easier to hate, to feel disgusted and be unforgiving. I am on fire to fight for justice, speak the truth of those whose voices have been silenced and to compel the church—(not the four walls but the body of Christ) to stand up, step up and move forward and "Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream."
Dr. King and Mrs. Parks are calling us to regain our strength and light the fire of others. Let our hearts and spirits burn brightly. Brothers and sisters, we still have much work to do. Let us do so in honor of our ancestors, who laid down their lives for us enjoy the privilege of fighting for love and humanity.
Much love, Elizabeth Asahi Rising Sun Sato #RISETOEXCELLENCE #STRENGTHTOLOVE