Queen Kuli
Combining intuitive gifts & Communicator, I activate & align your true gifts & purpose| Mystical Healer & Mindset Coach
Horses Saved My Soul.
In this life and many others, I created soul contacts with different animals, but especially horses.
My favorite aunt put me up on her mare at 5 years old and it changed my life.
I had never felt so happy, free and most importantly loved.
That mare went extra slow as she immediately understood I was a child and needed her help to stay safe.
I am the only unicorn in my family who rides, but my parents always had animals and instilled in me that they are sentient beings with feelings and a soul.
Horses are known to be one of the best healers on the planet not only due to their gentle nature, but their size.
They can carry and transmute much larger energies around both themselves and humans.
The benefits help eliminate what’s blocking you & raises your vibration.
Empathic and sensitive people can develop armor due to being misunderstood early in life.
These gentle beasts understand not fitting in as they are prey animals.
Most people know this, but I have come to understand them in a much deeper way.
All horses, no matter their condition, have made a sacred contract with humans.
You have both taken an oath to help each other in this lifetime with very specific things you both need to work on.
As my horse Zeus said last week, “I am here for you to borrow my courage when yours runs out.”
With horses, if you emotionally allow them in – you are never alone.
·?????? If you are a fearful rider – welcome to the club!
·?????? If you struggle with trying to be good enough – we are so glad you are here.
·?????? If you are living your life without happiness, come be with the horses – they will help you heal and remember the divine being you are.
For on the back of a horse is where you have the opportunity to find your courage and joy once again.
They never forget that we are free to make changes and be our authentic selves, even if we do.
Horses have felt what you feel and that means you have common ground to grow together.
As an Equine Communicator, I can tell you they are just like humans.
They each speak differently and in various tones
Their personality can be happy, sad, sparkly, standoffish or stubborn
They always have something important to say and it’s not usually what you think it is.
They communicate with messages, stories, one word or even a look.
Understand that they are a mirror of you and always lead with compassion and love.
They do not judge, or ridicule and they do not forget experiences but will release negative interactions with forgiveness very quickly.
Treat them with care and love, give them an extra few seconds to process what you are asking as they are a few steps ahead of us with their quick & expansive senses.
They love us and want the best outcome for all but can and will shut down is mistreated to protect themselves.
Ultimately, they want you to know this is a two-way relationship, not a dictatorship.?
They are trying their best, but just like you they have good days and bad days.
Days where they do not feel physically on point and maybe a bit slower than on a regular basis.
Please employ compassion first, as it goes a long way with their ability and desire to please you and make you happy.
They are happiest when you are lighthearted and not “so serious.”
Some love to work, and some love to just hack around at a leisurely pace so please be attentive to the question: IS THIS WORKING FOR MY HORSE, not just for me?
Remember, we are a team Dearest, and I am here to work on this with you, not against you.
I am your friend, and I want to be your bestie, but you must allow me in.
You can cry on my shoulder; they are large and can hold you up when you are tired.
I see all of you and accept you as you are, and I would ask the same of you.
Please don’t try and pretend you are not scared when you are because it just makes me more nervous.
If you are scared, tell me & I will go slow and take care of you.
When you allow me to do that for you, we are both so much happier.
It’s a relationship Dearest, not a one-way street.
I can’t learn it all in a day.
My desire is to please you, but sometimes what you want is not possible as quickly as you would like.
Please do not think one extra step is disobedience.
I am NOT A MACHINE; I am a horse with very deep feelings and an expansive array of tools in my repertoire that I can deploy at any time.
I feel a fly on my neck, so you don’t have to pull hard on my mouth for me to “learn” or “hear you.”
My ears and eyes are large, and I can hear and see what you want with your body language and the pictures in your mind.
I love to spend time with you, and it doesn’t always have to be “working”.
Chilling with walks while I graze in the sun are the best because we are TOGETHER and in HARMONY.
My goal is to make you happy without judgment, if you would do the same for me, I would be grateful.
And happy.