Heart Connections
Understanding how to facilitate the positive transformation of how people think, feel and behave when pursuing their goals or objectives in life begins in childhood. One can be very precise with thoughts and persistent goals in life but heart connections make people warm and authentic.
Understand behavior...
" Behavior is learned and acquired over time that becomes patterns of responses, these responses can be healthy or self limiting."
Intense emotions are queasy, overwhelming and could be challenging for children to handle. This is not as simple as it might seem. The child’s ability to think and act rationally stifled. Children are often frozen to act spontaneously and shifts into fight or flight mode, exposed to danger.
Over time this develops into a sequence or patterns of behavior carried to adult life. Learning to unlearn rooted behavior and programmed feelings take time and effort.
Young children need someone stable who are in a position to guide them identify, understand, and sort out their feelings and thinking. It starts with learning how to identify and express feelings in helpful ways. Generally, very young children mirror the reaction of significant adults to specific situations. The teacher is not just the person in class but anyone within the immediate circle of the child.
When these experiences and heavy emotions remain unchecked, and are carried to adolescence. They are the emotional blocks in adult life that largely influence the way people respond to work and love relationships. Emotional regulation is an important life skill. It is the ability to manage one's own emotional state. Objective evaluation of circumstances, rethinking a challenging situation or looking at ones' options requires a healthy sense of self awareness.
To calm an anxious child is an important skill for any parent or teacher. It is futile to get a child's attention to explain about consequences of their behavior. At the height of any emotion such as fear and anger, their “ emotional brain ” is still running high, in full charge and may not respond attentively. Reprimanding a child is not an option.
You need to tune in. A child may feel misunderstood. It may frustrate them further. Comforting a child first is most essential and appropriate to manage a disturbed or crying child.
Usually in Love relationships this idiosyncrasies manifest itself strongly once it is triggered. In work, the ability to clarify confusing thoughts and prioritize goals are experienced.
Play is to a child as work to the adult. Encourage activities that foster social learning and improve connections among peers and parents. Singing, dancing, playing an instrument are just some of the ways that contribute to developing healthy life and communication skills.
Harmonize thinking and feeling and the child is able to willingly participate and will the things he can perform. Heart connections is finding balance within ourselves and radiate them outward.
" Beautiful Transformations start from our emotions "
Maria Lourdes A. de Vera is a prolific and brilliant award-winning author. She is a resolute artist, relentless, elusive in the pursuit of excellence.
A former Nursing Clinical professor and a psychologist, who volunteered to work with children. She is a licensed professional teacher and mentored lower school children in both academic subjects and artistic creative works.
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