The Heart Chakra News

The Heart Chakra News

Volume 4: Control your Energy

November 27, 2023

Control your energy. Easier said than done right? All our emotional states are products of our mind, and our mind represents one of the biggest blockages to a healthy heart. The way we look at the world dictates how we feel about it, and it is a projection of how we understand ourselves. All of this has been stated before in countless spiritual teachings and social media blog posts. The most difficult thing to do is to continue to see what is happening under the surface and why certain things are happening to us. Trust can be a very hard thing to come by, and until we fully trust ourselves, we won’t be able to trust anyone else. The level of our self-knowledge is at the heart of our own continued success and discernment becomes our tool. Let us work through a couple of examples of how we control our energy and how we hold onto certain types of energy that may block our forward progress and growth.

As you are probably aware, we are all vessels in a unified field of intelligence. Each vessel is both producing and receiving energy in our environment, but only a portion of it is conscious. There is so much unconscious energy being slung around, that most of it goes right above our heads. Emotional pain comes from some kind of attachment to an energy in the past. It could have come from your parents, friends from school, or any person in your day-to-day life that you came across. Until we heal from the projections of the past, we continue to attract similar projections. What do I mean by projections you might ask? Energetic projections can be positive or negative. It is the way you view yourself and consequently, someone else. If I view you in a negative light, then that is a negative projection. If I view you in a positive light, that is a positive projection. It originates in my third eye. This is also our creative energy and is the limit to our vibrational resonance. Let’s look at a specific example.

Let’s say that your father was extremely abusive growing up. He never gave you the time of day or showed any interest in you personally. I am using your father here, but you could substitute your mother or both depending on your situation. The reason they acted the way they did is because of some pain they experienced in their past, but they were not able to let go of said pain, so that is what they produced it in the environment you grew up in. It is projected energy. The projected energy could be physical or verbal abuse. It could even be non-verbal. People trapped inside themselves without the ability to communicate almost always indicates a deeper trauma. It is an indication that their self-worth is low. They may not believe they have anything to offer because that is how they were treated from an early age, and they never healed from those projections. When your self-worth is low, it forces you to lift yourself up in your own mind. This is the source of any type of abuse. Sometimes it is so subtle, that you won’t recognize it unless you have managed your own energy to a very high degree.

The hardest part is recognizing what we are holding onto energetically. Most of the time, it can be buried in our subconscious, and thoughts continue to surface that will give you an indication of this. The best thing to do is to continue to observe the way you feel during the day. Does your emotional state go up and down quite a bit during the week or does it stay steady? You will continue to attract triggers that push your emotional state out of balance until you recognize the source of what you are holding onto. Our emotional health will give us indications of what parts of our past we can't let go of, and it will manifest in the types of relationships we are attracting. Those relationships will be an indication of this underlying “hurt” that you have not healed from.

This is a very important lesson that I had to learn last year. It forced me to look at who I was and how I was controlling my energy and why I was allowing people to siphon my energy in ways that was not beneficial to me. There were many ways that I did not feel loved when I was young. Much of it was very subtle, but I continued to attract relationships that pulled on me energetically without much given in return. If you are a giver by nature, you will resonate with this, but if you continue to put yourself in environments of people that don’t offer much in return, it will indicate an underlying dysfunction. For me, I was used to giving my energy without much expectation of return because that is how I was loved growing up. I thought that was normal and it turned into some kind of belief system. What I didn’t realize was that it was a false narrative I had bought into from an early age. Being so sensitive to my environment caused me to be very observational. It unconsciously played on my confidence and self-worth. Narcissism preys on that type of personality and it is one of the major dysfunctions we see in society today. There are millions of people giving their power away to narcissism, but that trend is slowly reversing as I write this. Our communities and business world are built upon this dysfunction, but as more and more people learn to manage their energy, those systems are breaking down. If you look at the world at large, it is a combination of various types of injured vessels projecting many different types of energy. The empath/narcissist relationship is the most common and represents the imbalance of society. Both states of being are unconsciously pulling energy from each other. Both are projecting distorted masculine energy, so both receive distorted feminine energy in return. One only needs to take their power back and heal so the other is forced to stop using the other.

Learning to recognize all of it for what it is can bring you to a state of peace. Understanding of the self and where we put our energy is paramount to growth. For example, if I continue to hold onto some mean thing that someone said to me, then I am energetically holding onto the way I felt when that happened. I will continue to re-create that emotional state from my relationships until I can see it from a higher perspective and let it go. It is easy to say, “I forgive that person”, but until you understand the reason that person said what they did, you will misconstrue it to mean that you are less in some way unconsciously. The only reason that anyone tries to make anyone feel “less than” is because they feel like they need to prop themselves up internally from a pain they are continuing to carry. Understanding this makes it much easier to let go of whatever it is and move on. Sometimes you can bring clarity to a relationship and sometimes you can’t. It is all up to your own level of discernment and self-knowledge. People are only receptive according to their own level of growth. Until we are able to be honest with ourselves and see that projecting negative energy is a symptom of an internal trauma that needs to be healed, then it is pointless to try to force someone to understand what they are doing.

Some of the hardest things we do is to walk away from a group of people that we love because they are imbalanced. I am not aware of very many large business structures that are balanced and all of them suffer from it. Any time one person’s opinion is placed above another’s, there will be an imbalance. Any time someone is less accountable than someone else, there will be an imbalance. All of it originates from trauma, but unfortunately, most of it is under the surface. The energetic exchanges are always out of balance in these groups, and negativity flies around like toilet paper in the wind. You will never get it under control unless the underlying structure changes. Either people will continue to leave and be replaced, or the business will eventually fail. Public companies are allowed an extreme amount of dysfunction for this reason because they are propped up by the public. Where private companies would fail from extreme imbalances in structure, publicly operated businesses can stay afloat because of steady income from the public that is not directly related to internal relationship performance. The only way that any of it changes is a change originating from the individual. All of us need to decide to pull our energy away from something that is not serving us or pay the consequences. We consciously decide to be a part of groups that are dysfunctional. Put your energy towards things that serve you.

One of the main causes of disruption between larger groups comes from religion. Belief systems can cause an immense amount of havoc around our relationships if we identify with something outside of ourselves. It is always best to admit that you don’t know it all and remain open in every sense of the word. Anytime we stay rigid in our belief about something that is divisive in nature, then it creates an energetic block to whoever believes in something different. The hardest part is making people aware that what they believe in IS divisive. For me, I go with the flow, but I will never place materialism in between any relationship for any reason whatsoever. Putting my energy into something that will never return that energy is bad mojo, and I would recommend that anyone reading this never, under any circumstances, place materialism over the value of another human being. Use your discernment and make sure your intentions are pure in all your relationships. You have the potential to be under judgement if your intentions are not pure. Turn from that path immediately.

On a lighter note, it is definitely ok to be generous with your energy, even if you know that you will not get anything back from the target of that energy. I am talking about working for people in the charitable sense. Like I said before, we are living in a unified field of intelligence, and you will always get a return on the energy you put out there. By continuing to put positive energy into your environment and empowering people to control their own, it will eventually come back to you. It has to. It is a simple electrical circuit. Consider me a witness on that front. That being said, we live in a world that functions on money, and just about every transaction depends on it. This opens up a huge can of worms that I will not cover in this article, but I would like you to think about coaching for a little while and decide for yourself whether or not you believe most of the coaching situations out there are equal or unequal exchanges of energy. Give me your opinion in the comments if you like.

When meeting new people, whether it is business or personal, it is a good idea to ask the question directly, “Are your intentions pure with me?”. This rings a bell energetically. If the person’s intent is not pure and they lie, then they are already in debt if they continue to involve themselves with you. Either that or they will walk away because they know their intentions are not pure. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are only interested in what we can do for them or how much money we can provide for them. Protect yourself and ask the question. You are of service to people by making sure they stay honest in all their dealings with you. Don’t ever see someone as a source of money. That is a very dangerous place to be energetically. Our intent should always be to make someone’s life better. You will always be taken care of as long as you remain pure in your intent.

Meditation techniques are a great way to observe yourself. Your emotional triggers will show up in your thoughts during your meditations. When you can get to a state of continued peace during your meditations, it is evidence that you have cleared a large part of your auric field, and there are a lot less things that will trigger you. If you get triggered in any way by what someone says, always take a moment to reflect on why that is. It will tell you more about yourself and a potential thought form that you need to release. Don’t ever look at the world around you as the source of your personal emotional state. It is your responsibility and yours alone. Carry your burdens with integrity and you will be rewarded in the end. There is no better reward than finding never-ending peace and a state of bliss in every moment regardless of what goes on around you.

The world we live in is healing. It is healing because of the individual, and we will continue to see more and more structures break down because of it. I wanted to shed a little light on this process in a way that explains more about why that is. You are beautiful in every way. Please understand that. As more and more people become more self-aware and find what it is that they have to offer the world, more and more of what we see on the surface will indicate a slowing down of the economy. It is completely natural and something that we should all be at peace with. There is nothing more beautiful than watching more and more people find their own self-worth and what they have to offer. You have everything you need to be successful in this life within you. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. You have everything you need today, and that is enough. Each and every one of you are so unique in your own way. You were designed to prosper if you choose to and all of it happens in the mind. You will have to learn how to control your mind and energy by letting go of the projections of the past. In the process you will find yourself, heal your heart, and by doing that, you will become more powerful than you can imagine and become so important to everyone around you. Many thanks to you.




