Heart Centred Living
Nicholas de Castella
From my 30 years' experience, I train coaches, healers & health professionals by equipping them with powerful tools to enhance their well-being, amplify their impact, and live the life they love with BREATHWORK
?In times when many of us have lost our personal spiritual connection... here is a guide I have developed to come home to and live from our heart.??
Our Heart Centred approach in Core Clearing Breathwork is based on connecting below our thoughts, into our body in the present moment through our emotions and into the broad open spaciousness of our heart.????
??Core Clearing Breathwork facilitates the flow of emotion and helps us clear the blocks to connecting to the ease, peace, love, happiness and to access our innate heart intelligence for guidance on how to respond to challenges from a place of love.
The outcome of Core Clearing Breathwork is to live a Heart Centred life.... this chart is a practical way we use to apply heart intelligence to our life: To live with kindness, generosity, courage and gratitude is to live a spiritual life.??
??Like to become a heart Centred Breathwork Coach so you can find freedom and fulfilment, working deeply and holistically to help clients heal and open their hearts and live life fully?
??Check it out here:
Wishing you a wonderful day ??
?Nicholas de Castella