Hearing God's Voice
That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, “Be encouraged, Paul. ?Just as you have told people about me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome.” Acts 23:11 NLT
Hear My voice in creation—
?laughter in streams, music in birds, joy in the breeze.
???Listen—be encouraged to live life to the fullest.
Hear My voice in children—
?spontaneity in chatter, freedom in play, love in talk.
???Listen—be encouraged to enjoy life’s adventure.
Hear My voice in the center of your being—
?nearer than hands and feet, closer than breathing.
???Listen—be encouraged to march ahead chin up. ?
Hear My voice in circumstances—
?whatever happens, giving you reasons for gratitude. ?
???Listen—be encouraged to live gratefully.
Hear My voice in the church—
?unique personalities at the cross to hear My Word.
???Listen—be encouraged to live a life of love.
Hear My voice in My calling—
?teaching you to nestle near My heart.
???Listen—be encouraged to follow a sacred purpose.
Hear My voice in My commandments—
?ringing true in a deceptive world,
?shining bright in a dark world.
???Listen—be encouraged to live obediently.
? Pastor Johnny R. Almond???????????????Day 333, Gentle Whispers from Eternity