Heard of Scrivener?
Rosalyn Page
Award-winning tech, cybersecurity & digital lifestyle journalist |Content writer | Content strategy | Thought leadership writer & trainer | Speech writer
I’ll declare myself a devotee of Scrivener, the long-form writing and research application. It’s one of my favourite writing apps. (Note: this isn't a paid post and I don’t have any financial association with Scrivener, apart from being a fan.)
Here's a brief guide to Scrivener with a link to my complete tutorial where you can learn how to use it the simple, fast way.
Here’s a snapshot of what you need to know about Scrivener if you’re new to it.
- Write, edit and save resources together for your project.
- Text editing features and modes to suit your project.
- Set and track your writing progress.
- Import other files needed for your project.
- Desktop (Mac and Win) and mobile (iOS only) version.
- Create your own document templates and icons to suit your project.
- Sync via DropBox.
Scrivener runs on Mac and iOS devices and there is a Windows version, although this one isn’t currently available in the new iteration, Scrivener 3.
After you've read my Scrivener tutorial, I recommend installing the free desktop version of Scrivener, which works for 30 day, and going through the interactive tutorial baked into the program that will step you through the basics.
You don’t need to buy any Scrivener guides to start with, and ignore the critics on forums saying youScrivener is too difficult to get a handle on without a guide or course. If you devote an hour or two to working your way through the tutorials, I think you’ll be able to start using the program right away.