Hear the unspoken
Mohammed Sutarwala
An entrepreneurial journey in IT Services across multiple domains with teams in India & UAE. Focus areas are Banking IT Infrastructure, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence., Bespoke software and CRM systems.
Humans have the ability to listen to sounds only in a particular frequency range. Hence, we cannot hear what bats can hear or for that matter dogs. And it is also a fact that our ability to listen to higher frequency diminishes with age.? Take a test before you read on to see how well you can hear.??
So while it is true that with age we lose the ability to hear sounds of higher frequency, it is equally gratifying to know that with age you develop the ability to hear the unspoken words of a friend.?
With maturity comes the ability to read between the lines. You have the ability to decipher the code of emotions.? And also develop the ability to get the message despite the camouflaged words.?
Hence listening is not just the sound of the words but also the emotions behind them. And reading emotions is a tough act that comes only with practice, as well as attention during the listening session.?
Try this when you next have a session with a family member or a colleague and see if your newly acquired listening tips give you and the speaker higher satisfaction.