Hear from our grads: Benjamin Wong, Bachelor of Business – Accounting and Bachelor of Laws

Hear from our grads: Benjamin Wong, Bachelor of Business – Accounting and Bachelor of Laws

Applications are now open for the 2023 graduate program at the Audit Office of New South Wales (AONSW). To bring to life the experience of joining AONSW as a grad, we caught up with some recent joiners to hear about their experience.

On a grey background, there is an image of a man smiling at the camera and pointing at the words: The difference is Passion. In the bottom left corner are the words ‘Graduate Program 2023’ and in the bottom right corner is the Audit Office of NSW logo.

Benjamin Wong is a financial auditor at AONSW. After graduating from the University of Technology Sydney with a Bachelor of Commerce – Accounting and a Bachelor of Law, he applied for the 2021 graduate program.?

‘One of the things that made me apply to AONSW was its emphasis on values,’ Benjamin said.

‘I did a bit of research before I came here and the people who had been through the graduate program had quite positive things to say. I heard that the Audit Office lives up to its promise of looking after grads, and that really appealed to me.’

At AONSW we don’t just talk about work-life balance, we actually do it!

We have a culture of looking after each other. Our deadlines can mean that some months are extremely busy and it’s all hands-on deck to get the job done. Things can get a little hectic when you’re auditing the entire NSW public sector! It’s worth it though – we give you flexibility at less busy times of the year to balance things out.

A graphic with white and red text on a grey background outlining why you should apply for the Audit Office of NSW graduate program. Text reads: Why join us? Hands-on experience, work with a variety of clients across NSW, access to ongoing personal and professional development, full support to gain your professional qualification, flexible work practices, ongoing support and guidance from a mentor from CA/CPA, excellent progression and promotion opportunities and competitive remuneration package.

‘The thing that I think separates AONSW from other places is the culture. When I first joined, I found the team dynamic really special,’ Benjamin said.

‘Everyone has a role to play, everyone is busy but also willing to coach a grad as well. I felt very welcomed and supported. That's one of the things I really love about AONSW.’

?Ben’s advice for anyone considering applying for the 2023 graduate program at AONSW?

?‘I think my biggest piece of advice, as cliche as it sounds, is just to be yourself. One of the things that AONSW encourages is to be honest about what you know and what you don't know. If you’re honest from the get-go, you have the best opportunity to grow and expand your skillset.’

Applications for the 2023 graduate program close midnight, Tuesday 19 April. Visit our Graduate program for more information.?


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