Healthy Time Management Techniques - The 6 Major Productivity Problems
Nicole Wipp
Attorney | Speaker | Training, Strategy, Execution & Accountability Consultant
One the most common questions that people ask me is, “How did you go from working 100 hours a week to five days a month?”
Yes, you read that right. That's what happened. I used to work 100 hours a week - regularly (sound familiar, anyone?). But as always happens when you are spinning your wheels too hard, I got burnt out. So I had to make a change.
In order to make it happen, I had to ask myself, “What are my productivity problems?” - because, by understanding and overcoming my own productivity problems, I was able to quit working so hard, and start working smart.
Very simply: if you don't understand what your own, personal "enemies" to productivity are, then you can't do anything about them. One of the things I always say is that a lack of clarity is the enemy of success.
When I say that, what I mean is if you don't see where you're going, then you don't know how to get there.
So, in order to be as successful as you’d like, to be you must first be able to recognize the six major productivity problems and ask yourself, “Which productivity problems affect me?” These six problems are listed below...
Watch the video, here:
1. Doing the Wrong Work
An important question to ask yourself is, “Am I really doing what I am best at? Is there something else that I should be doing instead where I could better apply myself?”
2. Failure Environments
Avoiding failure environments can be hard to do because they are all around us, but it is vital that you avoid them while working, because they can severely impact your progress.
3. Bad Work Habits
We usually know what our own bad work habits are (or some of them), and especially those of the people around us, but these are often easier to overcome than we realize.
4. Poor Boundaries
We all have boundary issues, some more than others, but it is important to learn how to say no, and to set rules for communication. This can be difficult, especially for my female entrepreneurs out there. It is crucial to productivity that you can finish your own agenda without constantly being pulled away to do other things!
5. Lack of Time Value
Do you actually value your time? The time with the people that you work with? Is this the most productive thing you could be doing with your time? These are questions to ask yourself.
6. Mental Fatigue and Burnout
There's almost no possibility of you being able to operate at your highest level of performance when you are mentally fatigued and overwhelmed from your day. No one is at their best in this type of situation, so it is important to figure out your specific strategy to fight this productivity problem.
All of these productivity problems create additional boundaries between you and your success. Once you recognize and start to rid yourself of these productivity problems you will be that much closer to becoming your most productive working less, and making more, and to having healthy success.
Watch my entire video series on productivity problems (and solutions!) here.
Nicole Wipp is an attorney, entrepreneur, author, trainer, and speaker.
cute pic Nicole!