Healthy Relationships For Social Interaction
Michael Ellis
Copywriting Analyst, I Help CEOs Use Big Data To Increase Brand Loyalty By 95 %. LinkedIn's 7 Star Profile Development Award.
The first institution that ever existed on Earth was the human family.
From infancy to adulthood socially interaction with other humans affords us the opportunities to learn more about ourselves.
As human social interaction is necessary for human development.
Social interaction is universal:
All over the world people raise children, date, get married, work, and start businesses.
What components do humans need for a relationship to be successful?
Having the proper tools and resources for maintaining a healthy relationship is essential.
First according to Olivia Young author of 7 Things Every Relationship Needs To Thrive, Because Sex Only Gets You So Far’’ communication is one vital component needed to maintain a successful relationship.
Verbally talking to one another isn’t the only way to bond with your family and peers.
Researchers from Texas University discovered that increased use of active listening skills automatically increased relationship fulfillment.
Active listening skills include physical gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions, heavy- light eye contact and are all ways to express how you feel.
In a passionate relationship, people often stick their heads in the sand like an ostrich-in an attempt to sidestep touchy issues and those same negative issues come back later on in the form of heated arguments.
Such avoidance behavior is destructive.
Couples need not hide how they feel toward one another, but learn to be open and honest.
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The 5 Languages of Love
Add to that Marriage Counselor Gary Chapman notes that there are five languages of love that all couples would do well to learn in order to keep a healthy relationship.
● Love Language # 1 Words of Affirmation
● Love Language # 2 Quality Time
● Love Language # 3 Receiving Gifts
● Love Language # 4 Acts of Service
● Love Language # 5 Physical Touch
The second trust is an important element in maintaining a healthy relationship.
Knowing that your partner has your best interest at heart is a priceless component.
Trust involves making a quality decision and can be seen by women as an act of courage.
It may take time to learn to trust someone, however once trust is established it ranks as a powerful component.
Establishing real trust is vitally important before a successful physical relationship can even exist.
Everyone’s trust process is different some people begin to trust right away while others may take a bit more time.
No matter what the situation is-it’s important to believe that your soulmate has your best interest in mind.
Third security is another key component to successful social interaction.
‘’ When you feel comfortable being yourself around someone, everything else flows so much easier. Putting up a front with your significant other will distance the two of you but being authentic creates a space of safety and trust. When you feel free to be yourself with someone, all your quirks, flaws and strengths will make you even more connected.’’
Fourth Fun:
The old proverb that all work and no play rings true!
Couples who constantly have fun together are known to maintain a solid and healthy relationship.
● Laughter is very good medicine to ward off stress and keep the creative juices flowing in the relationship.
● Remember and reenact the fun things you did when you both first met in order to keep the relationship sweet and spicy!
My wife and I often have fun playing cards, and laughing at boxing knockout videos.
Suggestions for having fun as a couple.
● Schedule a fun night and or weekend together
● Make a list of your favorite board games & play them
● Rent a movie you both enjoy
● Schedule a time to exercise together-walking, going to the gym, swimming, etc.
Fifth forgiveness is something no relationship can live without.
Holding on to bitterness and resentment only causes more problems in the relationship.
Though it’s challenging at times you must learn to forgive the partner of any and all past mistakes.
Any relationship filled with unforgiveness will not last.
● The National Institute of Health conducted a study and concluded that having the ability to forgive is one of the key components in maintaining healthy and romantic relationships.
Sixth-time together is of the essence.
You must schedule time alone in order to give each other your undivided attention.
Scheduling time alone will deepen your relationship.
Make spending time alone a top priority.
Make a note of scheduling time alone-mark it on your calendar or on your private excel spreadsheet.
● Plan a lunch or dinner together and stick to the plan
● Plan a weekend getaway
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Seven affection:
Showing affection to your spouse is vital to maintaining a healthy relationship.
You must constantly make your spouse feel highly valued and unique.
There are various ways humans offer and receive affection.
Remember Dr. Chapman’s previous notes.
Love Language # 1 Words of Affirmation
Love Language # 2 Quality Time
Love Language # 3 Receiving Gifts
Love Language # 4 Acts of Service
Love Language # 5 Physical Touch
Finding the right manner you and your soulmate best show affection will help you both feel more special.
In the same regard, holding back affection from your significant other will only make things worst.
Withholding your true affectionate emotions- in an attempt to look less touchy or feely, will more than likely not work-causing him/ her to back away or withdraw-leaving them vulnerable.
Now you have the tools the experts suggest in order to keep a healthy and lasting relationship with your significant other.
Life is a journey and if you take life as an adventure things can and will work out for the better. Having the proper tools and resources for maintaining a healthy relationship is essential.
Chapman, G. (1995). The Five Love Languages-How To Express Heartfelt Commitment To Your Mate. The United States, James Bell
Jackson, K. [ Kiaundra]. ( 2018, January 3). KW Essential Services [ Video File].
Retrieved from
Young, O. (2015, November 30). 7 Things Every Relationship Needs To Thrive
Because Sex Only Gets You So Far [Web log post].
Retrieved from -gets-you-so