What is a keto diet? What is Ketosis?
Our body normally burns glucose or sugar to transform it into energy for the body. Sometimes when there is a lack of glucose, the body burns the stored fat in the body to produce a chemical called ketone. These ketones are transmitted into the bloodstream which in turn are required for the functionality of the brain. This process is called ketosis.
The keto diet is the one in which there are low carbohydrates (carbs) and high fat. It is generally followed by people having type 2 diabetes or require weight loss. It is necessary to monitor the ketone level as too much of it could result in dehydration and further complications. Therefore, doctor consultation is highly recommended before following such a diet. This article is from the perspective of a nutrition enthusiast and hence it should not be considered for a diet prescription.
What are the health benefits of keto diet?
- The amount of energy used to burn fat is higher than to burn carbs into energy. So, this particular diet style causes the reduction in weight as more energy is being used.
- Low carb ketogenic diets have shown improved skin quality in some cases. There is a decrease in acne formation due to decreased inflammation.
- Significant weight loss makes it possible to cut down the cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity and high blood pressure. Keto diet drastically increases good (HDL) cholesterol level and lowers the bad (LDL) cholesterol level, creating good heart health.
- Ketogenic diets improve the brain's functionality. It possesses protective properties which shield individuals from cognitive decline. So, it might be applicable to lower the progression of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or even dementia.
- It can prevent seizures especially with patients facing epilepsy. A specialized diet high in fat and low in carbs under the supervision of dietitian and physician would be helpful.
It is advised to take up a keto diet only after a doctor's advice. As it may result in certain complications in some cases.
What are the risks of a keto diet?
? Sometimes an increase in the intake of proteins may result in kidney stone formation. This can be avoided in a well-tailored keto diet.
? It may result in severe weight loss and low blood sugar level. So, a regular follow up with the dietitian or the doctor is mandatory.
? There could be other immediate side effects such as constipation, vomiting, frequent urination, reduced strength and physical activity.
What are foods to be included in a Ketogenic diet?
Generally, a keto diet is supposed to be high in fat and low in carbohydrates. There are variations in the keto diet which may include a moderate amount of proteins. Depending on the individual's activity and doctor's recommendation the diet changes.
Some of the foods in a keto diet are :
Proteins: The unprocessed meat is rich in fat and low on carbs. Go for organic meat which are grass fed. Any kind of poultry would serve this purpose. Keep in mind to intake the right amount rather than excessive amount of proteins.
Eggs: Boiled, scrambled, or raw eggs are high source of protein and fat. These are mostly incorporated in diets of sportspersons.
Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables should be consumed on a regular basis. These include cauliflower, cabbage, avocado, broccoli, kale. Avoid below the soil vegetables such as potatoes and tapioca.
Nuts: Cashews, almonds and pistachios are good source for carbohydrates. But we all have a tendency to eat more than needed which calls for monitoring or control.
Water is a cleanser and healer which cannot be missed out. Take it the form of lemon juice or flavored water. Coffee and tea also can be taken in a keto diet. Avoid beverages like soft drinks, fruit juices and shakes.
A healthy keto diet happens on the suggestion of a medical expert. It is essential to understand whether your body needs such a diet. Always start a keto diet only on a doctor's recommendation.
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