A Healthy January 2023 Forecast
Ayelet Baron
Storysharing. Creator. Former Global Futurist, Multi Award Winning Author and Cisco Exec
In a healthy January 2023, which we get to create, incredible experiences and people appear in our lives. And it's up to us to be discerning. Maybe this month is a time of opportunity creation?
As the veil of reality is lifted, it is up to us to no longer worship false idols or follow the trends or anyone's agenda. What if we are the ones we've been waiting for all along, when we understand that everything is here to be discovered?
Perhaps the recent extreme weather and waves of unexpected glitches are the foundation for pausing, clearing and healing? We have been questioning our actions, the life direction we chose, and our courage.?
Stepping into our power takes everything we have as we no longer pay attention to nonsense and someone else’s agenda.Taking impeccable care of our body—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual—holistically is part of creating a healthy January .
What if we start this new year with shining a bright light on what brings generosity, joy, abundance and serenity to our lives? And also have an opportunity to imagine and create our healthiest reality by letting go any unnecessary suffering?
On the Road to A Healthy January
We have had so many opportunities over the past few years to question and see things with new eyes; in alignment with our hearts. But can we move into 2023, the year of relevance where we co-create understanding of what we need and where we are headed, at our own pace??
2022 was the year of choices and discernment. And the first step was to become aware of the source of everything. And then make conscious choices—living in high awareness of what and who we consume—about our wellbeing and world. There was a great deal of wear and tear as we laid the foundation for practicing discernment.
We let go of what was causing us dis-ease or we healed our nervous system by not only resting and pausing but creating boundaries. Making space allowed us to walk towards healthy possibilities with greater awareness.
We made space for healthy people, who want to co-create with ease and flow, into our lives. In 2023, we become aware that there is no longer a need to star in anyone's depleting dramas. We invite open dialogue, honesty laughter, play and unconditional love.
As we continue to clear out the programming and truly let go, we wash it all away. Perhaps it’s time to be open and free of limiting beliefs? Our alignment between what we do and say matters most now.
Relevance and Understanding are Foundational
Maybe who we thought we were is no longer coming with us on this healthy January path of relevance and understanding??
Walking our talk is not easy but necessary. And it unleashes a unique ability to bring wholeness and our true nature to life.?
New ways of life emerge like being kind, gentle, and compassionate to ourselves. We focus on our relationship with life, which enables us to trust ourselves first. And make choices to not take external events too seriously as we turn down the volume on the noise of the world when we learn that there is“breaking” news in every minute of the day. And the collective fear is not ours as the old paradigms continue to collapse.?
For many of us, feeling and being vulnerable now allow us to understand who we are, what we are healing and what we want to experiment with while we are here. Boldness is starting to emerge this month where we get opportunities to play with our wild creativity. We get to unleash our imagination and act on what speaks to us.
Between now and March is a fantastic time to uncover what is relevant for us and what action we would like to play with. Understanding means we focus on what’s working and tap into our curiosity to experiment. There is no rule book or no one to follow when we step into our power. Just opportunities to co-create with healthy and grounded beings. It's time to connect with real people who are ready to do our work in the world.
Meaning and fulfillment allow us to understand that life unfolds and playing allows us to experiment. We have weathered the storms and uncovered healthier directions for ourselves and each other. The answers are not in our past but in our questions and imagination. A healthy world starts to open, which will be even more obvious in the Spring.
An Open Invitation of Co-Creation
I hope that in this year to come, we trek into the unknown with curiosity, boldness and compassion. Because when we expect the unexpected, then we are experimenting, expanding, living, transforming and creating what is healthy for us. As I share in the F*ck the Bucket List trilogy, "When you want something you’ve never had, you need to do something you’ve never done."
This is a time to become the stewards we need in every aspect of life and in harmony with Nature. It’s time to master our life and align with the rhythm of the Earth and each other in healthy ways. There is so much living intelligence under our feet with massive networks communicating and nourishing each other.?
Nothing changes until we do. It is natural law.?
Maybe we can understand the possibilities rather than the limitations and problems? Because with imagination and courage, so much is possible. And this is so important, because what we need s the understanding that we can make our world a healthier place.
Are you ready to adjust between the old ways, which are collapsing, and the new ways that are just beginning to emerge? This is a time for our exponential growth. What is your biggest opportunity? What gifts do you have that you are ready to share?
Go slow. Go fast. Wake up. Take a nap. Chill. Laugh. Cry. Grieve. Heal. Go sideways. Enjoy. Question. Listen with an open heart. Discern. Let Go. Choose. Understand. Be You. Experiment. Play. Feel. Connect. Love. Create.Your Own ....
No one outside ourselves has our answers. There's so much wisdom within each of us. Maybe the key is to be present and experience everything with awareness as the architects of our lives and humanity??
Published on RadicalTrekking.com December 31, 2022
Thank you for sharing your insights in your post to kickoff the year. “Between now and March is a fantastic time to uncover what is relevant for us and what action we would like to play with. Understanding means we focus on what’s working and tap into our curiosity to experiment. There is no rule book or no one to follow when we step into our power. Just opportunities to co-create with healthy and grounded beings. It's time to connect with real people who are ready to do our work in the world.“ Indeed these next three months are a great time for exploring and experimenting - that is definitely my plan. I definitely agree with your statement “ Nothing changes until we do.” Hear is to a healthy and curious January!