Healthy Cocoa Matcha Cups
Who said all treats are bad for you? They definitely got it wrong. These treats all have their own little added bit of goodness. Aside for the option of making them "sugar free" Matcha green tea is loaded with L-theanine which improves brain function and relieves stress. Matcha contains 100 times more antioxidants than regular green tea.
100g creamed coconut
40g cacao butter
Shredded coconut
1 tsp matcha green tea powder
10 drops stevia or 2 tbsp raw honey
Pinch of sea salt flakes
- Find a bowl that will sit nicely over a saucepan. Put a couple of cm of water in the saucepan, but make sure the bottom of the bowl doesn't touch the water. Now you have a "Bain Marie". Bring the water to the boil and turn the heat down to low.
- Melt the creamed coconut and cacao butter together. Once it is melted, take off the heat and stir in the honey using a whisk, until it is completely combined. Or if you are going "sugar free", add the stevia and a pinch of salt.
- Pour half the mix into patty cake cases, about a cm in each and set in the freezer.
- Mix the matcha green tea powder into the rest of the mix and pour another cm on top of the coconut layer. Set this in the freezer too. Just before it is completely set, sprinkle the tops with shredded coconut so they look super pretty.
- Peel off the paper cases and enjoy, guilt free.