Healthy brain friendly habits vs ”I want/ I have to learn a language!”

Healthy brain friendly habits vs ”I want/ I have to learn a language!”

When we learn something new, a language or anything else, or we just want to maximise the potential of our learnings, it means that we are acquiring a new set of habits and a strategy to implement these habits.

Habits are things that we repeatedly do every single day. Habits are automatic, so we do not think about them. Habits are the actions that we take, the thoughts that we think and that are flooding our mind, the decisions that we make: checking emails in the morning, attending the gym hall or drinking coffee in the morning.

Habits can eventually take us closer to our goals, the language, the communication we want to have, the person we want to be in that language, French, English, Romanian or further way from our ideal.

It depends on the habits that we are developing: good or bad. Through guidance, you can easily recognise and capitalise the healthy productive habits.

For example, when you start practicing your communication in French or English, your take aways, and you immediately open up your phone or start surfing on internet, jumping from an information to another, literarily forgetting the goal of your practice or even practicing, then this not a healthy habit that you should keep in your routine or I would guide you to ameliorate.

But if after a conversation or after a piece of writing, you did not remember a word or did not know it, you go online to check the meaning of that word or its translation, you put it down and start incorporating in your daily communication, then this a healthy habit that I would recommend you to keep it in your routine.

There are many different habits in learning a language or transforming it in a productive, practical and profitable one. I would just mention:

? learning habits

?speaking/writing habits

?thinking habits

When it comes to learning a language or potentiate it, you need to practice because obviously it does not happen on its own.

Here are a few questions to reflect upon:

?What do you do to actually to get this language into your head, mouth and body?

?How do you practice?

?How often do you practice: every day, once a week, whenever you remember or you have an emergency?

The focus is not on ”I want to learn that language” or ”I have to learn or to make my French, Romanian or English more efficient”, but on ”How I can form healthy brain friendly #learninghabits to straightforwardly integrate in my busy schedule, in my routine, as a Professional, CEO or Entrepreneur, and practice constantly and committed?”, for sustainable results and on ”What am I doing from preventing or distracting me from acquiring this habit and doing it in a consistent way so that it becomes automatic?”

As you drink your coffee in the morning, drive, go to the gym or the habits you have already implemented and doing them automatically to grow and nurture your business, your personal brand or your career.

Or as your native language, you retrieve and use it automatically: sounds, words, grammar, specific structures. To acquire this spontaneity, the first step is to become aware especially when it comes to sounds, structures that do not exist in your native language.

?How do you pronounce them?

?How do you use them?

Answering at this question will raise your awareness and notice what you do differently. Furthermore, you will be able to implement and practice healthy #speakinghabits together with avoiding repeating the same mistakes and switching the habit in a mindful way.

This does not mean that you have to be conscious of your speaking all the time when you speak that language, but when you practice, I would just suggest you to do it in a conscious and intentional manner.

?How do you perceive your non native language?

?What are the thoughts repeatedly coming into your mind when using it?

#Thinkinghabits are the way you perceive your English or your French, the thoughts coming into your mind when you use that language. And it is not about the way your brain works. On the contrary, it is more about how you treat yourself together with the language. It is about understanding and recognising those specific thoughts, breaking the pattern and avoiding it. A step forward in building your confidence.

My over 16 year experience, as a corporate language trainer and then as a Neurolanguage Coach, proved to me nobody has the time, the patience to learn a language. But want your really would like to be able to do is to speak, to communicate and fearlessly embrace any professional or business opportunity, without overthinking.

In my language coaching programmes starting in September, 27, English, and 29, French, we are going to focus exactly one these things: developing and implementing brain friendly healthy habits so that you can nurture and maximise your potential on long term and on recognise and breaking the patterns that are not allowing you to business and profess at your full capacity, fearlessly. Based on a tailor made strategy. Besides the content itself.

More about these upcoming programmes you can find here:

So, save the date, plan on participating and apply at [email protected]


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