A healthy body isn't protected against stress

A healthy body isn't protected against stress

Today's Mind, Body, Soul & Soulmate journey comes after several days of feeling very ill. Being stuck in bed has allowed for a lot of time to myself to think. I've heard often how precious our health is and that we should be grateful each day we awake feeling healthy. I have been humbly reminded the affects not taking care of ones self can have on a body . You can do all the "right things" such as exercise, eating right, and getting rest, but if you don't limit your stress, your body and health are going to suffer. Integrate five simple processes into your day and alleviate stress so stress doesn't take you down. 

It doesn't matter that I have recently lost 20 pounds by working out. It doesn't matter that I have been eating right. It doesn't even matter that my cholesterol, triglycerides and BMI counts came within recommended range. I still got sick! I knew the stress I was under at work and home was going to catch up with me. It was time for a change! To help create balance our lives we must remember to monitor the stress level in our lives. I'd like to challenge you to join me in alleviating stress in our routines. Five points I intend to implement in my daily schedule include:


Pick your battles carefully: be intentional about the areas you are going to focus your time on. Not all issues that arise require your immediate attention. Evaluate the level of your involvement, degree of delegation, repercussions of a delayed response. 

Pace yourself: you can only do what you can do. Stressing out over all you have to do isn't going to get it accomplished. Prioritize your workload and work at a pace that is balanced. Don't burn yourself out by not taking breaks or multi-tasking to the point that you are actually working less efficiently. 

Set aside time for yourself: not only at work but also at home. Allocate time for you to do things you're passionate about, hobbies, exercise, or anything else that takes your mind off of work and responsibilities. 

Allow for moments to empty your mind: spend time in prayer just listening. Allow for time of silence so you can feel peace in your mind and calm in your heart rate. Setting time aside to empty your mind from the craziness of your day is going to be a time of refueling. 

Be thankful for all things: the more you can go through your day being thankful, the easier it will be to get over obstacles that come your way. You will definitely be a much happier person if you can be thankful in all things, no matter how small. 

Join me in alleviating stress! I challenge you to implement these five easy points each day. If you find unique ways of incorporating these into your day comment here or email me at [email protected]


