The Healthiest Rice on Earth

The Healthiest Rice on Earth

Let's take a good look at - The Forbidden Food – Black Rice

Black Rice is also called “Forbidden Rice” or “Emperor’s Rice.”In Ancient times, Black Rice was “reserved” for the Emperors of China and used as a “Tribute” food. As a matter of fact…….Anyone caught stealing even a “handful” of the sacred Black Rice, would be put to death!

“Black Rice” was a rarity in Ancient China and it’s early origin has been unclear until recently.

In a study published by “The Plant Cell,” in September of 2015, Researchers from two institutions in Japan collaborated to examine the genetic basis for the black color in rice grains. They discovered that the trait was due to a rearrangement in a plant gene, which activates the production of “Anthocyanins.

I hope you recall that I spoke about “Anthocyanins” on last week’s episode on “Raspberries,” on Concoction Friday.

“Anthocyanins” are what give fruit it’s color. Red Raspberries, Black Berries, Red Rice and…..Black Rice!

 The researchers concluded that this rearrangement of the gene must have originally happened in the tropical “japonica” subspecies of rice, (meaning it happened in or around Japan) and that the black rice trait was then transferred into other varieties (including those found today) by crossbreeding.

 Dr. Zhimin Xu, Associate Professor at the Dept. of Food Science at Louisiana State Univ. Agricultural Center…. Who reported on the research presented at the 240th National Meeting of the (AMS) American Chemical Society said…..

 “Just a spoonful of black rice bran contains more health promoting anthocyanin antioxidants than are found in a spoonful of blueberries, but with less sugar and more fiber and vitamin E antioxidants.”

 Wow! That’s a powerful grain!!!

Black Rice is the variety of rice with the most powerful disease fighting “anti-oxixants,” as well as a great source of FIBER.

 Black Rice contains “anti-inflammatory” properties which has the ability to…… “Search, Fight & Destroy” “Free Radical Cells” that cause Cancer……making it part of Weight Loss Nation's “Pac Man” family!

 That’s right Nation…….Black Rice is part of our “Pac Man” family. Searching for “Free Radical Cells” “bacteria” and “Viruses” that are invading the cells in YOUR Body!

 The outermost layer of black rice…. Called “the hull,” is where most of the nutrients are found. White rice is “milled,” where the “hull” “bran” and “germ” is removed to expose just the rice. After that…..the white rice goes through a process where it is “polished”…… to make the rice look bright, white and shiny.

Removing the hull of the rice and then “polishing” it removes much of the nutrients and flavor of the rice.

 How does it compare to “black rice”?

 I’ll tell you………

 A 6oz serving of “White Rice” contains: 

220 calories, 6.8 gms protein, 1.2 gms of iron and 0.6 grams of fiber.

Doesn't sound so bad.....right?

Looking at a 6 oz serving of Black Rice, is going to shock you!

Fast forward to 9 minutes of this episode and you will hear the unbelievable difference in Black Rice!

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