A Healthier Mind….?
We’ve all heard the expression ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’, (mens sana in corpore sano for the classically-inclined!) and it’s intended to remind us of the importance of maintaining our mental and physical health. We can all agree that it’s a great idea. But if we understand how much we benefit from daily physical exercise and value our gym memberships – even when we don’t attend ! – where do we go to ensure that our minds are as fit as our bodies? How do you maintain a healthy mind when so many people are experiencing depression, burn-out, stress and despair? It’s a question I deal with every day when working with individuals and it’s an area that deserves wider attention. So, let’s take a closer look.
We need to accept that our addiction to social media is harmful to our wellbeing. That’s right. This is something we can’t ignore any more. A recent study concluded that our obsession with the stream of trivia that passes across our screens is akin to the opioid crisis in its global implications for the health of the world. The report offered a stark warning that our submission to the superficial allure of social media is damaging our mental health. And, like most addictions, we prefer to maintain the habit – because we enjoy it. If you’ve ever witnessed the panic that sets in when someone is separated from their cell phone, you’ll get a glimpse of how psychologically dependent we’ve become on our little electronic devices. So, what’s the alternative?
Like any addictive behaviour, it’s either a case of weaning ourselves off the habit by reducing access until we can operate independently without feeling that we’ve just lost a limb. Or we can simply cut the habit completely and adapt to a life that’s free from the pernicious influence of social media. Whichever route you choose, it’s helpful to give your mind something more worthwhile and nourishing to feast upon. Reading is a good place to start, especially if you choose a fresh subject that will put your mind to work and stimulate your mental faculties. And, if you feel that your mind has been too active and under too much pressure from work, meditation is a magnificent way to bring a deeply calming sense of peace and balance to your mental landscape.
Learning to master your thoughts and feelings requires patience, practice and daily repetition but the rewards are immeasurable in their scope and dynamism.
Make a simple declaration right now that you’re going to take better care of your mind and respect all of your health requirements and make sure they include your body, mind, emotions and even your spiritual needs.