Healthcare_Strategic Sales In India- 13
Woo-hoo! It's looking like a deal is finally on the table, and it's time for the contract. But with health care contracts come a lot of rules and regulations, more rules than any other industry.
- Provider/patient relationship.
- The payer system
- Your relationship to the provider
- The government regulations & controls on cost, privacy, patient safety, and pretty much everything else.
If you're selling to a provider, you'll likely have more red tape than if you're selling to a supplier.
Example Take Medicare and Medicaid cover at USA ;
Medicare typically covers our elderly population, while Medicaid covers people without insurance, like an expectant mom or someone who's temporarily unemployed.
If you're a supplier, making sure your product or service qualifies for reimbursement through Medicare or Medicaid is a deal breaker.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is another example of a regulation that can affect your sale. HIPA, as it's known to those in the industry, is designed to protect the personal medical information of patients. That means your doctor can't hand over your medical files to anyone without your permission. And your friend who's a nurse, she can't give you a copy of your date's medical history. We can't go through every regulation because well, this article would be 5-6 pages long if we did it briefly.
But when you or your customer violate a law, you can be charged huge penalties and fines. So if you're ever in doubt about the legality or contractual implications, ASK...!!
No matter what you're selling, patient management systems, cyber-security, or stethoscopes, you need to make sure everything in the contract is compliant.
If you sell to providers, you'll probably have an internal legal team who knows every law relevant to your solution. If you don't have a legal team behind you, like if you're selling to suppliers or you're a smaller company, its okay to ask your customer. You can say something like, "I know this law was just passed" and I want to ensure we're compliant "with the new regulations." Not only does this show you're aware of an ever-changing industry, it also shows you're looking out for the person you should be, your customer.
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