Healthcare in Web3: What does it mean?
With technology invading more and more of our everyday lives, the question must be asked; How long until every aspect of our lives and day-to-day activities is aided or involves upcoming technology, but does that make it a bad thing? Technology is becoming more when it comes to helping humans with their health. Leaps in medicine have helped to increase the average lifespan and improve the quality of life for those with chronic illnesses. Devices can now be placed within people to help control their heart rates and prevent unexpected pregnancies.
However, this could go further, with digital technology progressing the way it is and at such a fast rate, it will inevitably become an integral part of our future and everyday life. But that only provides a way for the everyday person to live a more fulfilling and interconnected life where they can get all that they need whilst being comfortable at home. A key aspect of everyday life is a person’s health.
With web3 healthcare facilities have a way to integrate their data into new management systems, making it more streamlined and better organized. As well as this, web3 prioritizes the user’s control over their own data so they can choose how much or how little they want to tell doctors. Whilst it is always recommended to let your doctor know all your ailments, the web3 integration prevents them from knowing unnecessary information.
Crucially, the web3 integration into healthcare would make major steps towards healthcare becoming free and more accessible in countries like the USA where healthcare is astronomically expensive and a simple yearly check-up can cost hundreds of dollars. Healthcare should be accessible and affordable to all and not just check-ups and surgeries the web3 can also have a huge impact on mental health services.
Web3 can provide help for mental health services, with web3 wanting to decentralize information on the internet, this means that mental health diagnosis can be done a lot quicker through better online diagnosis as well as international communication via platforms such as Zoom and the metaverse so face to face assessments can still be done even if specialist and patient are other sides of the globe.
The digitization of the future is inevitable, everyday new technology is being announced that will change our future. What we all have control over, how it’s used and how we can use it to the best of its capability.
Written by Alexandria Ockenden