Healthcare Solutions: My Three Years With Purple Cow
Janet N. Ng, Bridges-PH
In just about any line of work, building and managing authentic relationships with customers or clients is important. But it cannot be overstated enough for financial advisors like myself. The commitment we have to our clients doesn’t end in one or two meetings. We maintain regular contact, anticipating any sort of changes to their lives or to the market, so that we can continue to give the best advice to satisfy their financial needs.
The same goes for providing healthcare solutions as everyone has different medical needs and budgets to paying for them. It’s up to us to learn about this information and recommend the appropriate solutions. For this to become effective, though, we have to get a bigger picture of who our clients are. This is where having that authentic relationship is all about. See, developing a rapport with our clients allows us to get a better understanding of their lives and backgrounds, which can clue us in on what they might need out of a healthcare program.
The best way I can describe it is by comparing the dining experience of a turo-turo to that of a fine dining establishment.
In a turo-turo – a word that literally translates to “point-point” in English – all your options are laid out in front of you; you’ll just have to point at your choice and pay at the counter. Dining is fast and dishes can change from day-to-day.
In a fine dining establishment, on the other hand, the server talks you through your options and presents you the best ones depending on what type of food you wish to eat. If you want fish, for instance, they’ll probably point you to their house specialty dishes; your dining experience is curated and personal.
The latter exhibits what it means to have that dynamic between client and advisor. The client is not left to choose on his own what solution works. Instead, the advisor finds the best options that can enrich the life of the client based on the information he’s learned from them.
However, the relationship is just one part of the equation; equally important is the product solution.
While there are a lot of options in the country with regard to healthcare, the majority of them follow a general industry mold that might not necessarily work for certain clients’ needs. For example, smaller companies have a tighter budget and may not necessarily be able to afford policies primarily designed for corporations. To once again use an analogy, the programs available are like, say, pork, cooked in different ways; one is cooked with adobo sauce while another is with sweet and sour, and so on. But what if I don’t want to eat pork?
This is where Purple Cow’s healthcare program comes into the picture. It offers optimized benefits at a competitive rate that’s fit for the needs and budget of small- to medium-sized enterprises. For as low as five members, a business can sign-up and receive the same benefits as large corporations.
That’s why when I was introduced to it by a broker, it immediately stood out as not a lot of programs catered to this segment of the market. From its name alone, it’s that metaphorical purple cow that immediately catches one’s eye in a herd of black and white; a product that’s truly exceptional, remarkable, and unique. As such, it took me some time to fully understand how its program works. But when I finally did, I realized that Purple Cow was the very thing I was looking for in the healthcare industry all this time.
In fact, I believed in it so much that I enrolled myself, my family, and my business into it, and I have not looked back since.
Last month, I celebrated my third anniversary with Purple Cow as both an associate and a client. And to this day, Purple Cow’s programs are still at the top of my mind when I discuss product solutions with prospects as it’s the closest one-size-fits-all healthcare solution that I’ve encountered.
Find out about some of the exact benefits that comes with the Purple Cow healthcare program in Part 2 of this blog series.