The Healthcare Digital Transformation Leader Weekly Newsletter: Issue #238
Damo Consulting Inc.
Digital transformation advisory services to enable healthcare organizations navigate the technology-enabled transitions.
Editor’s note
The Damo Consulting research and insights team brings you this weekly newsletter. You can subscribe to receive it directly in your inbox on Mondays.
Digital Health in the News
Though adoption is still limited among smaller healthcare providers, more large hospital systems are embracing new generative artificial intelligence tools from their EHR vendors, according to new research from the Arch Collaborative. Healthcare IT News
The EHR vendor is partnering with Qualtrics to integrate the company's patient experience data into Epic's EHR to enable providers to deliver a personalized healthcare experience. Becker’s Health IT
During a webinar, three health system leaders discussed strategies they use to ensure successful AI deployment. They agreed that one of the best ways health systems can prime themselves for fruitful AI deployments is beginning with a specific problem to solve — as opposed to having AI startups tell them which problems need to be addressed. MedCity News
The digital transformation is underway at health systems but it increasingly doesn't involve in-house IT departments. Modern Healthcare
This Week in The Big Unlock Podcast
In this episode, four colleagues from the Harvard Medical College Global Leadership alumni group have come together to discuss the implications of AI in healthcare in the light of clinical, legal, ethical, and design. Listen now.
Extract 1: Listen to this extract where Dr. Njide Udochi talks about the challenges of primary care providers. (5.20 mins)
Extract 2: In this extract, Craig McCloud, coming in from a legal perspective, shares a historical overview and explains how traditional considerations are evolving in the face of AI and machine learning. (5:00 mins)
Insights & Research
The researchers found that the number of people managing multiple chronic needs at once is growing. United Health Group
Adopting new technologies and business models—while under sustained financial pressure—might be the biggest challenge health care executives will face in 2024. Deloitte Blog
Only 25% of healthcare organizations have deployed generative AI solutions, but that is expected to more than double next year as executives see opportunities to automate clinical documentation and improve patient communication. FIERCE Healthcare
Featured Events
This week, BigRio and Damo are at HIMSS AI in Healthcare. Meet us at the event to discuss digital transformation, digital maturity assessment, CRM advisory, GenAI application and strategy, and more.
Chart of the Week?
Other Stuff We’re Reading
Dr. Wendaline VanBuren, a radiology chair at Mayo Clinic, thinks that AI is in the beginning stages of improving radiologists’ workflows. Some of the most developed radiology AI research projects at Mayo center on image segmentation and 3D printing, she said. In the future, she’s excited to see more tools that aid radiologists in triage and lesion measurement. MedCity News
The explosion of AI startups in dozens of sectors masks something many of them share: They are increasingly built on top of standardized technology from a few AI giants like OpenAI, Google, and Meta. This puts a premium on strategy over proprietary technology. Companies who use these tools will need to think about how they’ll create value beyond the technical features they offer and what they will do to stand out from the pack. They’ll also need to prepare for, among other things, higher employee turnover. HBR
Digital Health Funding and M&A
The telehealth company is also betting on secondary care. mobihealth news