Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth

Many of us begin our journey to freedom by chasing money as our sole driver.

This is because it is the baseline we need to have a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs, and overall a sense of stability and security. But the tragedy is that we become engrained in this idea of money as the be-all and end-all of what we need to achieve in life.

Whether it's because you grew up in poverty and had the urge to escape it by getting rich, or because you grew up in a wealthy family and were always surrounded by a certain level of lifestyle that you wanted to maintain on your own, no matter what your circumstances, we begin to equate money with happiness, success, and power.

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But the danger begins when you become blind to everything else.

We become competitive with our fellow peers and compare our salaries and net worth to seek validation; we become jealous of the influencers on social media that portray a wealthy lifestyle, which makes us bitter; and we forgo genuine relationships with family and friends in our pursuit of success.

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And the worst ball we drop on the journey to wealth is our health and well-being.

We believe that we need to sacrifice everything in order to gain everything financially, but what if I told you that mentality and the reality of success are actually the opposite?

Imagine this. You're 21 years old, you start your first job within a large corporate company, you're healthy and fit, and you go to the gym. At first, your youthful energy carries you through the long days and hard slog of the 9-5, but as the job starts to chip away at your energy and you gain a few years in age, you start to drink a little more coffee to keep you going, you start to eat a little more junk food to keep you going, and then after a long, hard day of work, you decide to have a couple of drinks to wash it all down.

Going to the gym becomes a distant memory.

This continues on as you find a life partner and decide that they'll love you no matter what, so you continue to become more carefree about your weight and your health as long as you're working hard to make ends meet.

You decide to have children, which creates more pressure on you to work longer and harder, which then causes you to eat saltier, fattier foods and more coffee, as you now have no time and no extra money to eat healthier meals, and you have neither motivation nor energy to get back into the gym.

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You become habituated to this routine as you slowly erode your health over the years until you finally hit retirement at 65, only for the doctor to tell you that you developed severe high blood pressure, diabetes, and bad joints from a lack of exercise and terrible habits that have compounded over the years and have rendered you unable to be physically free.

All those years of hard work to finally get financial freedom and retirement, and you're greeted with the harsh reality that you'll have to spend the rest of your life not playing golf, travelling overseas, and experiencing life to the fullest, but confined to your house, paying your hard-earned retirement fund money for the pills and visits to the doctor.

Does this sound ideal to you? I doubt it!

So then, how do you escape these trappings of modern living that so many of us go through and are living through right now?

What if I told you that in order to actually get to a place where you are both financially and physically free, you need to make sure that your physical health comes first? This is because the healthier you are, the sharper your mind will be, which will allow you to be more productive and effective in your decision-making. These will then contribute to you making more precise choices that have highly positive outcomes.

These outcomes are what will, in turn, give you more income.

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If you are in a corporate environment, this will mean understanding the pathways to getting a promotion or raise more easily, which will give you the blueprint for how to perform at a level that will get you there, and then you execute on that to reach that goal because you have the mental clarity to do it effectively.

Or if you are starting your own business, you'll be able to absorb and learn new information more effectively due to the freshness of your brain and mind, which are not bogged down by heavy fats, dopamine spikes from salty or sweet foods, crashing from coffee, etc. This will allow you to learn from your mistakes quicker and thus create productive systems that eventually create profit. With that same clarity, you'll see how to scale the business more clearly, which will allow you to reach freedom faster.

These are just some examples, but there are so many more nuanced ways in which good physical health will manifest in your career and pursuit of financial freedom.

The moment you decide to forgo your health because you want to "focus on making money," you will most likely end up trapping yourself because you aren't performing at the highest level that you could possibly perform. Especially if you start young and protect your health from a young age, you will progress much faster and for longer.

While compound interest is about savings compounding over time, the same is true for your health. The earlier you protect your health and, thus, your mind's ability to function effectively, the faster your wealth will also grow, and you will reach financial freedom quicker and have the health and freedom to actually enjoy it.

To summarise, health IS wealth because not only does it a) put you on the highest and greatest path towards generating more income, profits and thus wealth, and b) it doesn't matter if you have all the money in the world, if you don't have your health to enjoy it, there's absolutely no point.

So if you are neglecting your health right now in the hopes that you reach freedom faster, take a moment to reflect and see if developing a habit of health is more important and if it will further boost you on your journey to financial freedom.

What are your thoughts??Let me know in the comments below if you agree or disagree!

If you want personalised 1-1 coaching from me?as your Freedom Coach, message me directly for a free 30-minute consultation.


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