Health and Wealth Maestros

Health and Wealth Maestros

Stay tuned and we will show you how to turn your annual income into a monthly income while remaining healthy at the same time.

There is no point in having one without the other. Elon Musk in an interview was distressed at his lifestyle, with all the money he has, he regrets some of the choices he has made, and family events missed in the pursuit of greenbacks. On the other side of the coin, there are those who by living in survivor mode, living from hand to mouth have not enjoyed life to the full.

We often teach these principles as mutually exclusive subjects we simply cannot have one with the other, and this is simply not true. Read that again we can have it all, we just need to learn how.

We will discuss ideas around how to turn your annual income into a monthly income and no we are not talking about dividing your annual income by 12, it may surprise you but I am contacted by people telling me that is how you do it.

If your income is 50,000 a year we will explore how to earn 50,000 a month it is not that difficult. This is what we are talking about sound interesting?

We will explore things like Stem Cell technology(Triggering your stem cells to improve health not injections), which is changing regenerative medicine with a completely natural solution.

Gold and Silver and why fiat cash is about to collapse the world economy, it will make the great depression of the thirties look tame.


Asset acquisition, and more as vehicles to increase your income exponentially whilst having more free time and living a healthier life.

So what is the primary change needed to make this quantum shift in wealth and health?

The first thing is a change in mindset.

You may have some ideas that are preventing you from change such as perhaps you read Stem Cells and immediately thought controversial not for me.

Perhaps you read Gold and Silver and thought it was too expensive, but it is not for me.

Let us be curious, not judgemental, this is a great line from Ted Lasso as a series that in my opinion had some great lessons in it.

The second thing is you will need multiple revenue streams and important to note you can start right where you are.

We encounter this all the time where people tell us this is impossible, whilst others crack on and change their lives.

The ideas are easy, but there is some work, but not what you think.

Behavior follows identity.

You can achieve none of this financial freedom, or perfect health without first seeing yourself as the thing you desire.

If you see yourself and feel as if you are poor no amount of work, no amount of courses will make it happen.....fact

The same applies to health. If you see yourself as having a weight problem no amount of dieting will work, the return to bad habits is like a homing pigeon, if you disagree let me know.

More than a newsletter this resource will change your life forever if you are prepared to consider some of the content.

To help with the journey we will be sharing some amazing tools like Think WISA and ATFAR. Cool tools to give you a catalyst to get you started.

Think WISA Think, Write, Imagine, Speak, Action.

ATFAR Awareness, Thought, Feelings, Action, Results.

Things are done a little bit differently in our world, action in some respects can never be first unless a revelation of the information given is gained. Think I am wrong? Maybe, but we get results.

We will share some unique ideas on health and wealth that we hope will change your perspective a little and release health and wealth like you have never experienced before.


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