Health and Wealth Maestros

Health and Wealth Maestros

You might believe you are subject to circumstance but you really are not

With so much information on the economy on our health and wellbeing, most of the reporting being negative, creating an overwhelming sense of doom and gloom you might think that life is spiralling out of control.

The reality is you are not subject to any of the reports or circumstances you see and hear.

We teach as part of our coaching that we are a government of one. This is not some anti establishment government of one, but an empowering realisation that no matter what we see and hear no matter how permanent things seem to be everything is subject to change.

As well as being coaches, we are also entrepreneurial and have several business ventures that currently seem as if the changes being proposed are too much, and are going to ruin our businesses or create drama and issues that are insurmountable, experience shows me this is simply not true.

Having travelled around the sun for just over 63 times I have come to realise that nothing is permanent. I have experienced things in the past that if I had believed them would have lead me to believe that there is no hope, it is simply not true, there is always hope.

Of course there are things that have an impact and appear to change our destination, but overall life rolls some challenges but in the end everything turns out okay.

A survey done in the 80's of octogenarians asked them if they could have their life over again what would they change?

The results were amazing the number one answer was they would risk more.

Through all of the pain and all of the challenges all of the heartache suffering and drama, the opinions expressed by these old timers was they would risk more, everything had eventually turned out okay.

Through the divorces, the tragedies, the bankruptcies the failed businesses, job losses, these folk could look back and say that they were content with where they were, but if they wished they had risked more.

We give people the tools to radically change their lives on our courses, tools to change their finances, tools to change their health. Our website has some things that will change your life forever.

It takes a moment to look and then to take each step, remember nothing can our run you, nothing is so devastating that you cannot continue, it may not feel like that at the time but remember nothing is permanent, everything is subject to change, you have the power to decide, and the power to implement those decisions.

How do we start to see those changes?

Stop listening to negative reports no matter where they come from.

It has scientifically proven that the things we constantly expose ourselves to start to influence us. If you are listening to the news that would lead us to believe that life is all gone to pot then that is what you start to experience as a result in your life.

If you engage the power within you to be the master of your destiny, go increasingly against the grain you will see positive change.

You have the choice and the power to see amazing things in your life, just take that first step.


