The Health and Wealth Formula
Jacky Ip, CFP? CCS?
Empowering Canadian families with personalized financial planning strategies.
What is the first 2 things you want to do if you wanted to loose weight?
I think most would agree that it is diet and exercise.
I have been on a fitness journey for the past 4 years and I have found watching what I eat is way harder than going for a run or taking an exercise class. I also tell myself that I can eat whatever I want if I just keep exercising. Yet everyone tells me dieting is more important. Well it is super hard to do everyday but if I put in more effort in this area, I would be able to shed the last 5-10 lbs that I wanted.
Changing what I eat would greatly increase my progress in my fitness journey. But yet, I love to eat and watching what I eat is no fun.
I know that if I go for a workout and then stuff my face with chips and pop that it would be all in vain, so the reality is that I still don’t have the best diet plan or that I count my calories, but I do have a framework that helps me keep myself in check.
I bring lunch or eat lunch at home 3 times a week (minimum). I only go out to eat for work related events or once on the weekend with the family when we don’t want to cook. I switched from pop to Bubly (or Bublé). I do snack after dinner while watching TV with my wife and I now listen to my body when it is full.
Even though I am not exactly where I want to be right now, the result is that I am far better off in my health than I ever was. The reason is simple, I am paying attention and following a framework that works for me. I am not done though, I will continuously modify and improve that framework one tiny step at a time.
This is exactly the same mindset I share with my clients on their financial journey.
Creating long lasting, real wealth starts with knowing your goals, having a cashflow plan and putting your money to work.
Once you are clear on your goals then the first 2 things you should do is stick to a cashflow plan and invest. Think of the cashflow plan like dieting and investing is the exercising.
Investing your money is actually the easy part, practicing a cashflow plan everyday is the harder part.
Knowing what your weekly spendable amount is and curbing your impulsive spending and making sure you keep the “snacking”, the little spendings here and there in check. If you follow my profile, you’ll know by now that I talk about Cashflow planning a lot and that is because fundamentally this is the foundation of your finance.
You can be investing all your savings today but if you don’t watch how you’re spending, then you can easily undo all the hard work you’ve put in. Putting in $1,000 in an investment today and taking that out in 1-2 months time isn’t going to work.
Your weekly spendable doesn’t have to be perfect, but starting and paying attention will make a longer impact than just throwing money in your investments here and there and not watching how you spend every single day.
This year, try changing your mindset and relationship with money. Look internally and ask yourself what does money mean to you and understand what is driving your impulse spending and create a framework that allows you to enjoy life and still get you to your goals. I call this, the Guilt-Free Spending.
Want to get clear on your cashflow plan and where your money is going, connect with me and I can share with you my Guilt-Free Spending framework to follow.?