Health Tourism Snippets

Health Tourism Snippets

…for those with a short attention span - or, too important and busy


The “definition and scope” of Internet Century Health Tourism (in bullet point form) appears at the end of this article.

Also included is a short reference to the “then” and “now”

writing for those with a short attention span

…or, too important and busy to waste their time reading the “whole story”

After years of receiving “flack” (strong criticism) for writing long papers (by Health Tourism Industry Standards), I learned my lesson and started to also write for those with a short attention span – or, too important and busy to waste their time reading the “whole story”.

But for deeper dives, one still needs to read the “whole story” versions.

The devil is in the detail.

Anyway, to inform my LinkedIn connections and those who honor me by reading some of the stuff I write, that I have started uploading what I refer to as “snippets” – “very – very – short” items grouped under one of the following “categories”:

  • why – what – how
  • Policy and Strategy
  • Strategic Concepts and Practices


· a small piece of information or news (The Britannica Dictionary)

· a small piece of news or information (Cambridge Dictionary)

· a brief quotable passage (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Snippets can be regarded as abridged versions (a.k.a. Readers Digest versions) of papers and articles.

Snippets serve the needs of those wanting a “surface swim” - and are about making the "bottom line" the "top line".

For each item I may include a link to a “long read”, for those who like deep dives.

As for reading, see below, copy of the fist snippet already uploaded.

on the subject of Health Tourism Leadership and Reading

...just a few quotes

  • Harry S. Truman: “not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers” (33rd president of the United States from 1945 to 1953)
  • Phil Schlechty: “if you don’t have time to read, you don’t have time to lead” (education researcher and school reform leader) founded the Schlechty Center, a private, non-profit organization with the ultimate goal of increasing profound learning for students
  • Jason Schenker: “leaders at the highest level of leadership read voraciously” (Economist, Futurist and Chairman of the Futurist Institute who prepares leaders for the future)

Health Tourism


The definition of Health Tourism:

  • Provision and Consumption of “health-related” Services – which involves some travel


The 8 Health Tourism Segments (ht8):

  • Medical Tourism (and its “sub-divisions” – i.e., specialties in Medicine and areas of clinical focus)
  • Dental Tourism
  • Spa Tourism
  • Wellness Tourism
  • Sports Tourism
  • Culinary Tourism
  • Accessible Tourism
  • Assisted Residential Tourism (technology-enabled Housing and Care abroad)

Health Tourism ‘then” and “now”

the Then

  • known as “Conventional Health Tourism”
  • Fragmented (and consequently, Inefficient)
  • a Non-Sector
  • a “need” (to be endured and dictated by “circumstances” – essentially, financial)
  • Narrow Scope – the Short Tail
  • a generic entity (a Commodity)
  • associated with “shortcomings” in the form of Fallacies, Deficiencies and Failings (the reason for its transformation and repurposing)

the Now

  • known as Internet Century Health Tourism (a.k.a. Contemporary Health Tourism – both represented by ht8)
  • Integrated (and consequently Efficient)
  • an Economic Sector (Sector of the Economy)
  • a “want” (to be enjoyed as an attractive, broad-appeal, lifestyle choice – for all - for a lifetime)
  • Extended Scope – the Long Tail
  • a cachet – an entity associated with a brand (ht8)
  • associated with Advantages and Benefits:
  • expands the Industry (Supply Side) so that it can address a much broader Market (the Demand Side) – meaning more business for all (in fact, as becomes obvious, ht8 expands the Sector (Industry and Market), as a whole
  • re-purposes Health Tourism (from a “need” to be endured - and dictated by “circumstances” – essentially, financial) to a “want” to be enjoyed) – in other words, it has changed how Health Tourism is experienced (by turning Health Tourism into an attractive Lifestyle Choice – and activity)
  • makes every tourist / traveler a potential Health Tourist
  • makes Health Tourism a broad appeal lifestyle choice for all – for a lifetime
  • Integrates (brings together) the Health Tourism Segments (to deal with fragmentation and inefficiency) – whilst ensuring that each segment maintains its “identity, distinctiveness and independence” is maintained


Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D.的更多文章

