Health Shots InFocus: The slow life
By- Radhika Bhirani
A long weekend is knocking at the door. On India's Independence Day, many people are silently celebrating short-lived freedom from the pressures of a world that never stops spinning, where deadlines loom, and mobile notifications ping incessantly. As lives get increasingly fast, energetic and chaotic, I see many people embracing a quiet revolution where they are beginning to crave and embrace the power of slow living.
Welcome to Health Shots InFocus, your weekly dose of health and wellness. When I sat down to write this week's column, I took a moment to think of two of my closest friends who have set out on their own sweet adventures. One has chosen to take a two-month sabbatical from work and city life and move to a remote village in the hills to teach underprivileged kids. The other has taken a vacation to an exotic beach location and turned on her DND mode. The purpose is common: to break away from the insanity of everyday work life and find some moments to rediscover themselves.
"I was tired of the calls, messages, work demands and just the constant external requirement for me to be on all the time," one of these friends told me candidly. The statement put me in a spiral of thoughts about how there is a genuine pursuit among people to create a more meaningful and mindful existence. And the fact that this is happening in an age where speed is often equated with success, this shift seems important.
Slow living has not been a new concept. Our predecessors, as well as our elders, often remind us to live a life where balance, simplicity, and connection co-exist. 'Der aaye, durust aaye' - better late than never - is a phrase that comes to mind now that these virtues of slow living are rediscovered and reinterpreted.
Taking a pause in a life of breakneck speed is being celebrated. Think about it: Technology has made everything faster. From the way we work to the way we communicate. We're always on, always connected, always striving for the next achievement. But this constant hustle takes a toll. This is also why terms like stress, burnout and anxiety have become commonplace in workplaces.
Sometimes, just a quick break in our routines helps. That is why we have seen the rise of 'staycations', even if it means just a day of respite to reset and recharge the mind. In their own small ways, they can remind us that even in the midst of being busy, moments of stillness matter.
Learning from the experience of my friends, the next time I feel overwhelmed, I just may consider not trying to keep pushing forward, but to take a step back, and breathe. What about you?