Do you know about the C-21 Health and Safety law? New Criminal liability for workplace safety
Amendments to the criminal code have been passed in Parliament that establishes corporate criminal liability for workplace health and safety. Here are the key points you need to know and actions you need to take.
Who is liable? LAW C-21 (Bill C-45) establishes criminal liability for organizations and individuals when they fail to take reasonable steps to prevent workplace accidents that affect workers, or the public in general. LAW C-21 does more than create additional legal liability for directors, officers, and corporate decision-makers; it also extends individual legal liability for all persons directing work in the workplace. In the case of death, the maximum penalty for an individual convicted of criminal negligence is life imprisonment!
Three important elements of legal duty;
1. LAW C-21 elevates the stigma and the penalty to that of a crime with a permanent criminal record.
2. LAW C-21 extends legal duties to a new level including foremen, lead hands, and even co-workers.
3. LAW C-21 casts the net further than any other OHS legislation in the past because it requires that employers be responsible for members of the public at or near the workplace, as well as all persons affected by the work or task.
Who has criminal liability?
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With the winter season ending shortly, and the spring season up ahead, there is generally an increase of the workforce, on construction sites, in turn, it also means an increase in work related accidents. Every life counts.
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