By Dr. Virginia Okolie, Toronto Canada
PEOPLE ACROSS NORTH AMERICA are going to great lengths to shed those unwanted pounds! Men and women are turning to shakes and diet bars, Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, Tae Bo, Richard Simmons, Oprah and as a last resort, plain starvation.
CURRENTLY, there are several popular programs claiming to help you lose weight permanently. In this article, I will discuss the PROTEIN DIET, the D’ADAMO DIET (eating according to your blood type), and THE NATURAL PATH WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM.
The protein diet is a very popular plan primarily because it works! People do lose weight fast – but it is mostly water. Switching to a diet that is high in protein (meats, eggs, cheese) and low carbohydrates (rice, breads, pasta, starches, fruits), results in the loss of carbohydrate stores and associated water. The initial weight loss is very impressive – up to 5 pounds per week, and if the daily food intake is low enough in carbohydrates, the appetite becomes suppressed and you eat and suffer less. The unfortunate facts of this plan are many. It is very strict and difficult to maintain without temptation and cheating.
Once you begin to reintroduce carbohydrates into your diet, you may find the weight creeping back very quickly. The food choices of the protein plan are low in fibre, vitamins and minerals. As a result, you may feel constipated, weak and ill, unless you properly supplement your diet. Most importantly, these protein foods are linked to heart disease, diabetes, breast and colon and prostate cancer, gall bladder disease and kidney problems. The risk of the disease does not appear to be worth the weight loss!
The D’Adamo diet is based on the notion that blood is a critical factor to the health of an individual. Based on his clinical experience, Dr. Adamo developed diets and exercise programs for each of the blood groups (O, A, B, AB). According to Dr. Adamo, eating and exercising based on your blood type will help you prevent disease and maintain a healthy weight.
Type O
Seventy percent of the population has type O blood. These individuals have very physical bodies. The road to health for people with type O blood is through physical exercise. They require exercise to release tension. Also, they require high energy foods – high in protein (chicken, fish, turkey)
Type A
Type A individuals are characterized as having creative and intellectual prowess. They require light exercise (yoga, walking). Their goal should be to become vegetarians, but is not wise to change the diet all at once.
Type B
They are a balance between O and A. They are said to be orderly and organized. They require both active and passive exercise. Their diet consists of meals and vegetables.
Type AB
These individuals are a continuum of A and B. Their exercise routine would include 20 min of light exercise and 15 min of physical exercise. They can eat fish, chicken, turkey, breads and cheeses.
The Natural Path Weight Management Program
This program stresses proper assessment of your body composition (weight, height, body-fat), exercise schedule and psychological aspects of eating. Based on these points, an individual plan is designed to help the client manage their weight for life. Weight loss is slow (maximum of 4 pounds per month), but more permanent and healthy. The client is taught how much to eat, when to eat and how to combine foods sensibly. Supplements (to keep the metabolism boosted) may be recommended. A detoxifying program may also be recommended to ensure the liver and other organs are working optimally. Although many people exercise regularly, there are specific ways to incorporate weight training and aerobic exercise efficiently, effectively and economically to maximize weight loss and minimize boredom.
Most importantly, the psychological aspect of eating has to be addressed. Many people eat in response to anxiety, nervousness, depression, happiness, frustration, compensation, anger and loneliness. If these issues are not addressed, the battle of the bulge becomes a very complicated task.
The path to a successful weight loss and a well-balanced life, is challenging. This process involves lifestyle changes, determination and patience. There is no quick fix. The basic recipe includes eating the right foods, decreasing food intake and increasing physical activity. Whatever road you choose to follow and lose weight, remember these five important points.
If you don’t buy it, you won’t eat it.
Diets don’t work – you must manage your weight for life.
Develop a circle of friends for support to help you through the ups and downs you will experience on the scale.
Accept and learn to love yourself and your body. Willpower is strong but the power of prayer and God is strongest!
When you have your mind and soul at peace, bringing peace to your body comes naturally.