Health and Productivity Linked
Anita Barbero
Transforming Workplace Culture Through Strategic Well-Being | Proven Expertise in Employee Performance, Mindful Leadership, & Stress Reduction | Speaker | Facilitator | Trusted by Leading Corporations: ESPN, Disney Chewy
Mindful Wellbeing In the Workplace
Health and Productivity Linked
On average, employed US adults spend more than half of their lives working.?The time spent at the workplace, the tasks performed there, and the work environment all affect overall health, writes Sage Journals Public Health Report, 2019. Working long hours under stressful conditions with no or not enough wellbeing breaks negatively affects our health. When we feel we don't have the time we need to spend with family and friends outside of the workplace creates extra stress in addition to to feeling out of balance with our work/life commitments. How then can productivity be at its best, both at work and at home? I think you intuitively know that answer. Where do we begin to link our own personal health and performance so our productivity matches our best self?
First , we begin by acknowledging that our health is important now, before symptoms or a diagnosis tells us otherwise. Second, we create a daily workable plan to take care of our health, treating that plan just as we do work related plans that have deadlines. We put a daily deadline on our wellbeing agenda, which is defined as self care. Third, we communicate our plan with whomever needs to know, is it a family member, someone we direct report to at work, or a leader in charge of our work teams? Decide who it is and have that conversation.
Common sense or words of wisdom, if you will, always speak; if you are in a leadership position which means staying current with all the business health reports from trusted sources, you know this needs to be a priority, not only for production and business profit but more importantly because it is the human thing to do since we are all rooted in innate goodness and yes we are all humans not robots.....yet.
A good read:
For more information or a consultation on Mindful Wellbeing strategies in the workplace message me here on Linkedin or at
#wellbeingintheworkplace #mindfulwellbeing #healthcoaching #stressmanagement #corporatewellbeing #employeehealth