Health & Nutritional Guide to Thrive in 2024 and Beyond

Health & Nutritional Guide to Thrive in 2024 and Beyond

It's time to build some healthy momentum for the rest of the year. Summer is around the corner. How is your health in general? What foods have you decided to eat more of?

9 min read


Before we dive into nutrition and all its intricacies, we will need to quickly analyze a few health practices, such as mindset, gut, and fasting, as prerequisites to set the tone. Health is holistic in nature.

Set your mindset straight

To create a healthy life, we need to eat healthily. It's pretty straightforward, but ask yourself how often you fall off the wagon and don't follow what you set out to do, especially regarding our vibrancy.

It can be daunting to see yourself as your enemy. A healthy resolution means nothing without discipline. To become a healthy, strong warrior, you would need mental toughness , agility, and emotional flexibility.

Those who go slow and never stop, win in the long run!

1. Use some motivation to your advantage

Only some people like motivational videos and quotes. And I get it; there is much hype, and once the initial euphoria has passed, you might feel left empty-handed.

That is why you have to use daily reminders.

Discipline Equals Freedom Quotes

  • "Don't let your mind control you. …
  • "NO MORE. …
  • "Stop researching every aspect of it and reading all about it and debating the pros and cons of it … Start doing it."…
  • "Don't fight stress. …
  • "Because emotion and logic will both reach their limitations. …
  • "Humans can withstand almost inconceivable stress — and you can too. …
  • "Faster.

Set personal quotes

  • I am a healthy individual
  • I will live until 100
  • I make healthy choices
  • I have a sixpack
  • I inspire others with my physique

Use quotes, use your partner, set up posters, skip breakfast when you can and start with lunch.

If you really struggle, you can put money on the line to reach your goals faster and hold others accountable.

It's accepting responsibility for our own life and our health. Often, we complain to others that we are sick, but we have much control over our bodies.

When our loved ones try to fight back, saying they are not strong enough to quit smoking, yes, they are correct since they created a habit and their brain are rewired in this way. Put nicotine on the top, and you make yourself a death trap.

I know people who quit smoking cold turkey after 40 years. You just need to want it.

When you decide to change your health this year, take deep ownership, accept responsibility for it, and expect it to be complicated. Not in a way that it will be natural for you to give up, but as a red light for you to know what you are up against.

Take small baby steps

OK, everyone talks about this one. It's pretty straightforward, and it's pretty magical. You have to chunk your aspiration into bits and pieces until you can make the first step forward and then the second.

Take the rest of 2024 to get in a peak shape, not just 4 weeks but remaining eight months. Can you do that? Can you stick with your health challenge for the next months?

Don't use this time to procrastinate, but allow yourself to understand yourself, your intentions, and habits, and build a new foundation or correct the old one.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. — Albert Einstein

Tune your defense systems

Before diving into the world of nutrition, we must decide which route we will take.

1. Gut test

If you want to see your gut thrive and know what you have to eat, it would be wise to do a gut test to determine which foods fit you and which inflame( US) you. Or you can take your gut test here if you live in Europe.

Nowadays, the challenge is recommending something that might harm or inflame you. The best way is to go to the nutritionist and confirm that by seeing how your body reacts.

2. Listen to your body

You must be patient and listen to your body when you don't want to invest in a gut test. This process could take months, if not years, but you must be patient. It's easy to recognize which food is good for you and which is not.

Luckily enough, the body is with you all the time. So, be ready to prepare for a journey that can be painful but rewarding after all.

3. Be willing to experiment

Be brave enough to try different foods and see how your body reacts. Often, we eat the same foods each day or rotate only a few staples. Step outside of that and bring more variety to create a more robust microbiome flora . Yet, it requires more thinking at your end.

Quick three ways to jumpstart your day:

  • A. Breathwork

We inhale a lot of air daily, but many of us breathe very shallowly. If you are interested, I went through the first level of freediving certification. You can start practising holding your breath each day with an app . With a bit of practice, your capacity to do sports, resistance, and heart efficiency will improve. Also, think that as we age, our brain suffers from a lack of oxygen; by deep breathing, you oxygenate your brain and reduce your chance of Alzheimer's .

  • B. Rebounding

Have you ever jumped up and down on a trampoline ? It can be very fun. Besides the fun part, drain your lymphatic system with Qigong or Yoga, which is super healthy .

Your lymphatic system fights bacteria and viral pathogens, so it's good to clear the channel often.

  • C. Sauna

My favourite way to detox the body is to get at least 1x sauna session per week. With the sauna , you detox and challenge your cardiovascular system , and more blood is directed to the skin.

Now, you should be ready for the nutritional guide!

Your 2024 nutritional guide

A minor prerequisite to understanding what you eat and what can influence what you eat. In general, your body can process almost anything. You only have to be careful to give it the building blocks if you opt for longevity. Your body can genuinely endure a lot, and it's mind-blowing. So, please treat it carefully.

Intermittent or restricted fasting

When you want to start investing in yourself and deepening your nutrition knowledge, it's good to understand that sometimes restricted eating can help clear the plaque, maintain your weight, and remove undesired toxins. From ancient times, as hunter-gatherers, we used to go without food for a period of time .

A. What should you eat?

The body will give you what you feed it. The more you understand what works for your body, the better; the less you know, the less energy and potential of your health you tap into.

Do you prefer to follow a particular lifestyle and diet? Read more here.

B. Brain foods

A simple principle should guide everything you consume.

Does it make my brain tired or does it lit my brain on fire? — Mateo Melichar

Blood-brain barrier

Your blood-brain barrier protects the foreign particles from entering the brain. That's an essential function and layer between the body and the brain. It's like a border control that controls everything that comes through. You must have the proper stamp to go through. Your brain consumes a lot of nutrition, water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.

Exert from Boundless Ben Greenfield's book below.

Avocados — The vitamin K in avocados helps prevent blood clots in the brain. In studies on diabetic rats, avocados exerted antioxidant effects on the brain and improved brain mitochondria' function. Avocados have also been shown to improve spatial working memory and attention span.

Beet Juice — Beet juices contain concentrated nitrates that decrease blood pressure and improve cognitive performance. Besides, the nitric oxide from beet juice helps increase neurovascular function and circulation to the brain. You'd have to eat at least three or four whole beets to get this same effect, and that amount of fibre, sugar, and calories can be difficult for some people's digestive systems to handle.

Blueberries, cocoa, virgin coconut oil—Blueberries, cocoa, and coconut oil all contain high flavonoids, which can help protect the brain from oxidative stress. Coconut oil can also prevent age-related memory loss and has medium-chain triglycerides, which give added protection against oxidative stress.

Bone broth — bone broth contains high glycine levels, a nonessential amino acid that can improve neurological function by enhancing memory.

Broccoli and eggs—Broccoli and egg yolks pair fantastically in an omelette and contain choline, which helps improve verbal and visual memory.

Olive oil and walnuts—One of the minor constituents of olive oil that I haven't yet discussed is oleocanthal, which can reduce the neuro-damaging effects of ADDLs(amyloid beta-derived diffusible ligands, a protein found in many cosmetics, plastic products, and putties).

These ADDLs can be a particularly nasty culprit when it comes to increasing Alzheimer's risk, and thus, olive oil can have a preventive effect on Alzheimer's disease.

The walnut extract can also help protect against ADDL-induced oxidative stress and cell death.

Rosemary — rosemary extract in fresh or essential oil possesses potent antioxidant properties. The antioxidant carnosic acid occurs in high levels in rosemary leaves and helps prevent chronic neurodegenerative diseases.

Salmon is naturally high in omega-3 fatty acids and boosts the phospholipid bilayer that encases each neuron, thus strengthening the cells' membranes in your brain. The fatty acids also support the synaptic connections between neurons.

Tumeric — turmeric's active ingredient is curcumin. Research has shown curcumin as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that improves cognitive function in people with Alzheimer's. It also enhances the uptake of amyloid-beta plaques by the cleanup crew of the body's phagocytic white blood cells. It results in improved neuroprotection and reduced inflammation in the central nervous system.


You are what you feed your body. Where you focus, there goes your attention. When you focus on negativity, it will fill up your life. When you focus on things that light you up and fill you with joy, you soar with the eagles.

Seek like-minded people; seek challenges that make you better. Improve each day and stay committed to your well-being.

“When you build your mindset each day, now it’s time to start feeding your body with the right nutrition. Remember, it’s your body, what works for you, does not necessarily have to work for others .”— Fit-budd

  1. Remember, the rules are simple. Would your ancestors 10.000 years ago eat hamburgers — something processed daily? Probably not. They would fish, hunt, gather, and forge. Use the same principles and logic in your daily hunt after the newest diet fads.
  2. Treat your brain separately from your body. It might be strange logic, but your brain requires special care to thrive. Indulge in healthy fats like avocados, sprinkle olive oil on your salad, and order caviar .
  3. Treat your health like a Ferarri. Be creative, look for new foods and recipes, and eat nutritionally rich foods. Giving your body what it needs will pay you back and deliver the performance you are looking for.

Follow your intuition and gut and see how you feel after a bag of chips or a big salad bowl. It will be apparent, if not immediately, the next day.

Final Tip!

Also, as a final tip, I heard the other day on the podcast from Simon Sinek, who hosted Glucose Goddess Jessie Inchauspe . Try to have a salad before your proteins and carbs so as not to cause glucose spikes.

I have tried mimicking this for the past two years with morning HIIT and celery juice. Skip breakfast, and you will create a magical longevity potion.

Let me know what topics you would like me to dive deeper into! Also, please share this further with perhaps three of your colleagues or friends. :-) Thanks


