Health and Fitness Information Overload
You've read all the health magazines
Watched all the workout videos
Every week you find yourself changing your approach and the same goes for your diet; you have tried them all!
This health and fitness information overload can be overwhelming.
You feel like you know what to do, but you are frustrated and not seeing the results!
Does this sound like you?
As someone who works with people day in day out on all things workout and diet, I have a bit of advice. STOP!
× Stop, looking for the quick fix
× Stop, watching fitness influencer trash
× Stop, overwhelming yourself with information, keep it simple; Note down three things that you can do every day to get closer to your goal, then, do those things daily for 30-60-90 days.
-No shiny new things each week to distract you from your goals
-No reading hundreds of different workout plans online and never sticking to one long enough to see results
-No switching from fad diet to fad diet, get the right plan for you and stick to it
Pick three things that will have a significant impact on results and do them consistently.
You are probably wondering what three things I would recommend to help you get into better shape right now?
OK, try these three;
1. Move more, get your steps up.
2. Eat more greens; you can never have too much veg.
3. Drop all your soft drinks and juice and only have water and one coffee a day.
You will be amazed by the difference this can make.
Sounds simple.
It is, but it works.
Still think you might some help, no problem, let’s grab a discovery call and get you moving in the right direction, just comment below and I’ll be in touch, Lee
#behaviourchange #fitness #nutrition #mindset #health