Health checkups

Health checkups

Health checkups for Men

After the age of 35-40, many changes take place in a person's body. Nowadays, during puberty, people fall prey to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. This is the reason that along with aging, the risk of many fatal diseases also increases. Due to the lack of attention to health, nowadays cases of heart attack, cancer, etc. have increased considerably at an early age. There are some health checkups that every male should get done once a year after the age of 35 years. Let us tell you those health checkups. Diagnostic Centre in Dwarka Mor


Get BMI checked: - BMI ie body mass index is a simple health checkup. In BMI, the ratio of a person's length and his weight is calculated to find out how healthy he is. Obesity is a major problem nowadays. Obesity is not a disease by itself, but it can cause many diseases. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered correct. If your BMI is more than this, then you should make changes in your food and lifestyle. Diagnostic Centre in Dwarka Mor


Dental examination: - You will be surprised to know that your teeth and heart are closely related. Many common dental diseases can cause a heart attack. Therefore, get your teeth checked every year. Do not consider any problem in the gums to be normal. Diagnostic Centre in Dwarka Mor

Get blood sugar checked: - Diabetes occurs when the amount of sugar in the blood increases. Initially, it does not show any symptoms. Therefore, after the age of 35, you should get your blood sugar level checked 1-2 times a year. If diabetes is detected at the right time, it can be corrected by medications and lifestyle changes. There is no cure for diabetes if the problem increases.

Get cholesterol checked: - Increased cholesterol increases the risk of heart diseases like heart attack, cardiac arrest, heart block, etc. In fact, plaque in the arteries starts due to increased cholesterol, which obstructs blood circulation. Therefore, you must get your cholesterol level checked at least once a year. With this, you can avoid the dangers of a heart attack. Diagnostic Centre in Dwarka Mor

Get metabolism checked: - Your health depends on your body's metabolism. If your metabolism is weak, then you are at an increased risk of many diseases like diabetes, obesity, weakness, etc. A metabolic syndrome is a group of symptoms that increase the risk of diabetes and heart attack. Metabolic syndrome is checked when these symptoms appear.

·       Waist size 40 or more

·       Good cholesterol levels less than 40 mg / dL

·       Triglycerides level more than 150 mg / dL

·       Blood pressure exceeds 130/85

·       Fasting glucose level exceeds 100

If you see any of these three symptoms, then your doctor can also do a C-reactive protein hs CRP test. It is considered the best way to monitor the health of the heart. Diagnostic Centre in Dwarka Mor Healserv also Provides 24X7 online appointment facilities of Hospitals for healthcare


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