Health Benefits Of Basil Seeds (Kamakasturi Seeds)

Health Benefits Of Basil Seeds (Kamakasturi Seeds)

Kama Kasturi seeds, also known as basil seeds, sabja seeds, faluda seeds, and tukmaria seeds, are an underappreciated ingredient in our kitchens. They resemble sesame seeds in appearance. The form we usually eat comes from the sweet basil plant or Ocimum Basilicum and is used for seasoning. Despite its numerous health benefits, people tend to avoid consuming the seeds because they are unaware of their multiple advantages for health and weight loss.

These seeds have been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for years. Let us look at basil seeds' nutritional value and health benefits.

Benefits Of Basil/Kama Kasturi Seeds For Health?

An overview of the possible advantages of sweet basil extracts, primarily based on lab-test experiments, is discussed below.

1. Mineral-Rich?

Kama Kasturi seeds fulfil 10% of the RDI of calcium, magnesium, and iron. Magnesium supports healthy bones and muscular function, and iron aids in increasing the formation of red blood cells. Therefore, vegans can also eat these seeds to compensate for their iron and calcium deficiencies.

2. Packed With Fibre

Research conducted in lab-test suggests that pectin has prebiotic advantages, which support the growth of good bacteria that promote gut health and are anti-inflammatory.

The fibre in Kama Kasturi seeds gives you a sensation of fullness. It can help you avoid numerous digestive problems like bloating and gastric discomfort. Furthermore, the seeds are high in fibre content, are beneficial for diabetics and help to regulate the body's blood sugar levels. Apart from that, it improves your cholesterol level.

3. Rich In Plant Components

The seeds of Kama Kasturi are rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, plant-based chemicals and antioxidants, which help the body fight free radicals and heal the harm they cause.

These seeds have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. In a test-tube investigation, basil seed extract killed the cancer cells and harmful bacteria.

4. Best For Garnishing

Sabja seeds are frequently used in various meals in India, including smoothies, faluda, pudding, ice creams, and flavoured milk. India and the regions of Southern Asia are where these seeds are most commonly consumed.

5. Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

One tablespoon of Kama Kasturi seeds contains 1240 mg of omega-3 fatty acids and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). It assists the body in functioning better and reduces risks like heart attacks and stroke.

Please go to our website: ToneOp to read more about the benefits of basil seeds. Click the link to know more!



