By Healing Yourself You Will Save Your Business
Sylvana Kozak
Life & Leadership Master Coach | Empowering Founders & Entrepreneurs to Achieve Work-Life Balance and Fulfillment
I get it, as an ambitious, driven and always busy entrepreneur/CEO, you don't have the time for all the positive thinking and spiritual bs stuff, because...
You have to stay focused on making more money,
Making sure you achieved all your goals and impress everyone around you.
Or you have to do whatever it takes to save your company from a complete disaster.
So you hustle more, sleeping less,
drink more coffee, energy drinks, and sometimes you don’t even mind snorting some cocaine, just to stay awake and meet one more deadline.
As soon as you are done working, the first thing you want to do is to
have a drink,
Eat your favourite takeaway,
watch your favourite series on Netflix,
Have sex (or do it on your own), while watching porn.
Just so you can finally feel good, feel some pleasure and release all that stress, pressure and heaviness.
The next morning, the same cycle starts again.
Your vicious cycle.
On the surface, you are working your a** off, staying after hours and doing your best.
However, your after-work behaviour and habits are slowly dragging your life and business to the bottom.
Outside you always look great, happy, successful, like you have your shit together. However, internally you are:
Full of guilt, shame, anger, sadness and fear, always stressed out.
Even your body is hurting, asking for attention and care.
Although your company is killing it and you keep on seeing more and more money on your financial statements,
Your inner world is falling apart.
You thought that by adding more projects and “to-dos” to your schedule, things would get better, somehow.
Deep down, you know, that you have been afraid of facing the truth.
Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. That is not how you solve your mental, emotional and health challenges by doing more.
Sooner or later life will hit you with something very uncomfortable and challenging. So you finally start paying attention to what's important.
I am not trying to scare you.
I am inviting you to wake up!
You can choose, right now, to slow down and begin your journey of healing and saving yourself from burnout, anxiety and depression.
Oh, and to be clear,
That doesn’t mean you have to quit, run away and hide.
This process can start with you:
#1 giving yourself permission to slow down
#2 creating some space and time to reflect
#3 identifying where you are and where you want to be (life/wellbeing/business)
#4 asking yourself WHY you have to and want to make those changes
#5 hiring the right coach/mentor/therapist, who will support you in breaking through your current challenges and helping you turn them into wins and exciting opportunities.
Is it going to be easy?
It’s not supposed to be easy; otherwise, you would have done it already on your own.
So it’s time to go through it with someone who will hold you accountable, kick your butt with love and honesty, help you gain clarity, confidence and courage to become yourself and strip away layers of insecurities, conditioning, pain and emotional baggage.
The right coach will guide you and show you your way of finding balance and fulfilment in what you do and who you are.
That will take you from being a miserable boss to inspiring LEADER.
That will help you to save your life, business, your people and serve your customers.
With Infinite Love,
Emotional Fitness & Mindset Trainer
Self-Love Coach