Healing a Tumor in 30 Days Through Mystic Medicine
Dr. Veronica Anderson Dedegbe, MD
Vistage, CEO Peer Group Chair | Executive Coach | Author | Intuitive Intelligence for CEOs: Precision Leadership Through the Science of Instinct & the Art of Intuition| Kolbe-Certified Consultant | Human Design Coach
"Challenges that we meet in our lives are things that we actually are meant to have happen”
Is it possible to heal disease through your mind, body and spirit? Dr. Keesha Ewers is a board certified Functional and Ayurvedic medical practitioner, as well as Doctor of Sexology, family practice ARNP (advanced registered nurse practitioner), a Certified Psychotherapist, and a Reiki Master and Angel Therapist trained by Doreen Virtue. She uses lifestyle change, nutritional counseling, meditation, stress reduction strategies and other healing modalities to empower others to heal themselves.
In the episode, Dr. Keesha shares how she was able to reverse Rheumatoid arthritis without the use of western medicine. She also shares her personal experience with sexual abuse and how she healed her tumor in one month. Listen to the end for an opportunity women can take in order to heal their body and soul.
Show Notes:
04:30 – Rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis
07:20 – Power of meditation
11:00 – Overcoming trauma
11:45 – Healing mind, body and spirit
14:51 – Gluten and dairy allergy
18:00 – Sugar addiction
21:45 – Sexual abuse
24:00 – Healing a Tumor in 1-month
27:40 – Mystic medicine
31:45 – Women’s vitality summit
33:40 – Caring for yourself body and soul
35:20 – Getting in touch with yourself
Female VO: Welcome to the Wellness Revolution Podcast, the radio show all about wellness in your mind, body, spirit, personal growth, sex, and relationships. Stay tuned for weekly interviews featuring guests that have achieved physical, mental, and spiritual health in their lives.
If you’d like to have access to our entire back catalog visit drveronica.com for instant access. Here’s your host, Dr. Veronica.
Dr. Veronica: Welcome again to another episode of The Wellness Revolution. Today we’re going to talk about a little bit of woo woo. You know us doctors that we don’t always get our information through case control, double blind, retrospective studies, sometimes we get it from using our gut, our intuition. And I realized that when I look back on it the reason I did well in medical school was not just because I was smart and I knew how to take the test. And I knew how to do that. I was academically very solid.
But being academically solid and taking the test doesn’t make you a good clinician. So I see people who they can answer all the questions but they couldn’t get the right answer on the patient that was sitting in front of them. Yet for me it just came so easily and naturally. It was like cake. I thought at that point medical school was easy.
Most people would not describe medical training as easy. However, I would go into a round, they would be questioning the medical students. They would get to my turn, and they always want to stump us because they’re trying to teach us and break us down. That’s what medicine is like, they want to break you down.
And I remember a point in time where I’m doing internal medicine rotation and it’s my turn. They get to me with a question. It was a complicated patient of course. And I kept answering the questions and answering the questions correctly. And so what ended up happening was that doctor who was a real tough ass guy, and I can say that because here we are on the podcast, tough ass guy couldn’t stop me.
His face started to change because he realized that I knew that I was talking about. So it’s supported with the academic but how was I getting those answers so easily as a third year medical student who is just starting a clinical rotation? I realized, looking back now I was tapping into people intuitively. And so there are people that I never meet them at all and I know a few pieces of information about them, their name, I might even know their relative and not even know their name. And I could tap into them energetically and tell what’s going on with them very accurately, like 100% accurately and I never met the person.
That’s intuitive skills. That’s being able to read energy. That doesn’t negate anything that’s going on on the academic side. That doesn’t negate case control double blind studies. When you get this intuitive information what’s beautiful about being a traditionally trained doctor is that I can support it with tests and data and everything else. I get the answer and then I go about supporting it so that the patient will believe, the doctors and everybody else will believe me, but I know that I’m right on that even if you tell me.
And a lot of the information that we get no one could get from a textbook. And so I’m so happy today that I have a soul sister with me. And we’re all over the world but she’s a soul sister and a functional medicine trained doctor, an Ayurvedic medicine trained doctor and also into mystic medicine. So I’m going to welcome this lady to you.
She’s absolutely wonderful. You’re going to love her, vibrant personality. But besides knowing her medical stuff just down, she also knows that other side, the energetic side. And that’s the side that hears people. Dr. Keesha, welcome to Dr. Veronica’s Wellness Revolution.
Dr. Keesha: Thank you so much for having me. This is going to be fun.
Dr. Veronica: What I want to know first is just give us a little bit about your pathway, your background. I like people to tell their own story, like how they started. What first made you to be a doctor?
Dr. Keesha: I started out as a nurse. My progression through this has been a little bit different than yours. I got sick when I was 30. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. It is an autoimmune disease. As I started going to a rheumatologist to find out what was wrong with me and why my joints were inflamed. I was a marathon runner and I wasn’t able to run anymore. And all these things were happening. My body was breaking down.
I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis so what was I given? Methotrexate and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, so something for cancer and something that will break down your gut faster than you can say breakdown your gut. I went home, I looked up the side of that profile of these drugs and I said, “I know my grandfather had had rheumatoid arthritis.”
And so my rheumatologist had kind of shrugged when I said why do I have this. And she said it’s genetic. You said your grandfather had it. What she’s saying is this is typed in stone. You have this. There’s nothing you can do. No diet has nothing to do with it, let alone what maybe your spiritual path is, or what the universe is trying to teach you, or what your thoughts have to do with it. We’re way out there now when we’re talking about that.
I started Googling, but it wasn’t Google in those days, it was Ask Jeeves because this was 20 years ago. I started Asking Jeeves what are some alternative remedies for rheumatoid arthritis? In those days I was strictly Western medicine. I was on the balloon pump team. I did thoracic medicine. I was ICU. I just love the high adrenaline junky stuff.
When I found an article that yoga was really great for autoimmune disease then I started practicing yoga. I had a yoga teacher mention the word Ayurveda. Ayurvedic medicine of course being the sister science, the medical arm of yoga. It’s 10,000 years old. And when I started reading about, again, with Ask Jeeves, I found that Ayurveda knew all those thousands of years ago that we’re not all the same person.
This sounds really silly but that was revolutionary to me. “Oh, you don’t match the drug to the symptom?” That thing that we do in Western medicine actually there’s another way of doing it. And so then I started finding out that I have this individual body type, the way I think, my thoughts, my past had a lot to do with what was happening in my present.
I learned to meditate. One day I learned in meditation to look at the word autoimmune. And auto meant I was attacking me. I started thinking, why would I be killing myself? Why was I trying to commit suicide in a suicidally acceptable way, which is exactly what I decided autoimmunity was.
And so in that meditation I went back in time and started searching through, like when’s the first time that I told my cells I don’t want to be alive. And it was when I was 10 years old when I was being sexually abused in my elementary school. And I thought, that time period at the age of 10 your brain’s not fully developed until your 26. I’m in school being called at the principal’s office and I’m saying to myself I must be really bad. I have to be perfect so I don’t get called in to the principal’s office.
A 10-year old can’t figure out what’s going on. This is so not in the Rolodex of conversation or experience for me. We were raised with no television. I didn’t even know any of this could possibly mean there’s something wrong with me, that I deserve this.
I tried to tell my parents, I tried to tell the teachers but it was in this conversational way, that vocabulary that didn’t make any sense to them. I’m trying to find out if I’m the one that’s responsible and if I’ve done something really, really bad, right?
I went back in time to this time when I thought the world’s not safe. I don’t understand it. I just want out. This is not a safe place for kids. My cells agreed with me and said, okay. And so at 30 when I’m sitting there in meditation I went, oh. And so here I was in the present day with four kids, great life that I love, and I had rheumatoid arthritis.
I realized that my past had caught up with me and that time actually wasn’t quite as linear as we thought. And I really got this whole download of what we call quantum physics today and everything kind of collapsed in. And I got that I had agreed to this when I came in to the planet, that my whole thing I came here to do is forgive. And that I had to go through the things that I went through as far as trauma or whatever you want to call it, that these are my life experiences that set me up to learn what I had to learn.
I learned this really amazing forgiveness process right in my meditation as a download, and went through it, and I came back a completely different person. And within six months my rheumatoid arthritis was gone. For me that’s what I call mystic medicine is really saying the things or the challenges that we meet in our lives are things that we actually are meant to have happened and I call it the spiritual gymnasium.
You’re saying you get up early in the morning and go, “I get up early in the morning, I exercise and I meditate.” But the spiritual gymnasium is the challenge part of our life, the part that we think is bad. And we call things good, and we call things bad, and we’re always in the state of judgment about whether or not it’s good or bad, right? And if we move out of that state of judgment then we know that all of it’s flow, all of it is meant to help us be the best, highest, brightest, light that we can possibly be. And so that’s where I am today.
I went back to school. And that’s when I started in this training of getting down the root cause and really learning about things and I was the same way in school. I could intuitively grow everything just instantly and I had to kind of keep to myself the way it was happening too because… “How do you already know that?”
For a long time I used to say I’m just sort of weird that way. Now I just say no, everybody can do that. It’s just like the same thing, gymnasium. If you work that muscle out then you’re going to have it be really strong. And everybody has that ability. But I actually believe that people that have trauma have a higher propensity for it because you had to have your radar on at such a high frequency as a kid to stay safe and to survive that you’re used to reading people. And you’re used to picking up what their motives are and that whole process I believe gets developed at a very early age. And so it’s one of the gifts of trauma. Again, not good, not bad, it just is what it is and it’s here to help you to become who you were supposed to be in this lifetime.
Dr. Veronica: Yes. A little bit more about… You said you healed yourself from doing a meditation. However, we’re a whole person. We’re mind, body, spirit. So usually there’s something else going on besides that you got a spiritual download and voila, it took you about six months.
But what else did you do? The spiritual was first. You first had to realize that this is a problem within my spirit, within my emotions, and I have to deal with that. Illnesses and injuries that all will have are our biggest challenge to evolve spirituality. You figured that out and then you were able to go on the path. Yes, if you don’t do that we understand, you will just get sick in another area. Something else will happen if you don’t deal with this…
Dr. Keesha: Ayurvedic medicine talks about we have five different layers. We’re not just our physical bodies. The next layer of us would be what Chinese medicine calls your chi. Yoga calls it your Prahna. They call it your electromagnetic energy field in Western science. So it’s that next energy body, that part that we can pick up with [Unintelligible 00:13:02] photography now. We know it exists, there’s no doubt.
Then there are these other three layers. There goes physical, your energetic body. And then you have an emotional body, a mental body, and you have that place that you connect to the divine with that’s called your bliss chi. It’s called a [Unintelligible 00:13:17] in Sanskrit for the Ayurvedic people out there.
That chi or that part of you, that layer is where you connect the spirit. If you’re toxic in your physical, or your emotional, or mental layers you don’t have ready access to that portal. And so toxicity is going to happen as a result of your thoughts, your beliefs, the way you talk to yourself, and also what you’re eating, what you’re drinking, and what you’re exposed to in this planet.
Health is a combination of your genetics [Unintelligible 00:13:51] exposure to toxins, and toxins are not just physical, it’s also your thoughts, and then your ability to detox those things, and then that’s your individual, unique health vision.
For me I had the genetics. I already had rheumatoid arthritis. I also have breast cancer in my family and I’ve had breast cancer too. I was a photographer and I used to play in the dark room constantly without gloves with my chemicals. I was raised on Navy military bases. Tons of toxins that I was exposed to. But then I also have this belief about myself that I had to be perfect to even be worthy of survival, so that’s another toxin.
When i learned how to detox those I knew I had to in that meditation, then I got up and I started getting to work. And that’s the thing that I think people get kind of messed up with when it comes to spiritual work is they say, “If I just sit on my meditation cushion, or in prayer on my knees, or on my yoga mat, or whatever. And I just wish it hard enough or I pray for it hard enough it’ll just happen.
But actually you have to take those steps forward to do it. I learned that I was really allergic to gluten and dairy. And after my big, long runs I would come home and I would eat Greek yogurt with granola, blueberries, and walnuts thinking I was doing the most amazing thing for myself. I was bloated. Sometimes within three to 30 minutes I’d have to undo the top button of my genes. I thought everybody had to do that. I thought everybody bloated after they ate. That’s how out to lunch I was in those days.
Learning all this made me realize that digestion is super important. In fact it’s the route of all health, how you digest your thoughts, how you digest your food makes the next layer of who you are. I had to learn all this so I changed my diet for sure. I took supplements. I learned how to detox. I did all the things that we teach in functional medicine but I also took it to that other level of really taking responsibility for my life, not being in a victim mode, not blaming anyone for anything. And that was really important.
Forgiveness was a huge piece of my own reversal of that autoimmune disease. But today I still don’t eat sugar. I still don’t drink alcohol. I don’t drink caffeine. I don’t eat gluten. And I don’t eat dairy. These are things I learned about myself 20 years ago that if I did those I would have inflammation. I stayed really clean with my diet.
Dr. Veronica: It’s interesting that you mentioned about the running and you went home. And you did what was the conventional wisdom. “I was running marathons…” They would talk about carbo loading and having these pasta dinners. And I realized that makes me feel horrible.
Dr. Keesha: Yes. I would carbo load before my marathons and then I would be so bloated. It’s just crazy.
Dr. Veronica: For some reason I realized, I can’t do what they’re telling me to do. I have to do something really different or I’m not going to get through. And then later on because I was a heavy wheat eater or anything like that I found out you’re sensitive to this. And this is why you had a problem where you would have stomach aches when you were a kid when you had oatmeal for breakfast. So you stopped eating breakfast.
When they told you load up on the carbs you can load up on the carbs because it made you feel awful. I fell out of it. But what made it really challenging was figuring out that it was there when you weren’t eating a lot of it in the first place and it was a problem. I get muscle aches and joint aches. I can eat some, but when I eat too much I get digestive upset. That means I just went crazy and start getting muscle aches and pains.
Dr. Keesha: I just don’t even eat it anymore because of that. I don’t want the feedback from my body saying, “Yo, stop.” So I just don’t do it anymore. And I was a complete sugar addict. That’s one of the reasons I ran. It’s how I controlled my weight. I just beat my body and I didn’t even know it. I thought I was being so healthy. It was just funny.
Dr. Veronica: Talk about that. You said, “I was a complete sugar addict.” What did that look like? Because people think, “I can stop.” Or I noticed with my clients especially once you were diabetic they’ll switch from Snickers to really high fructose fruit and…
Dr. Keesha: Yeah, banana, which could be a [Unintelligible 00:18:28] for your pancreas, right?
Dr. Veronica: Yes. Explain that.
Dr. Keesha: That’s exactly what goes back to, again, my 10-year old experience of coming home from school just kind of like, “That was a terrible day again.” And having this beautiful homemade dessert sitting on the countertop that my mom had baked. My mom was an amazing cook and a great baker. And she would always have something cooling on the counter when we got home.
Dr. Veronica: That sounds so good.
Dr. Keesha: I know. That was my after school snack. I would eat that and then settle into and do my homework and everything. That carried forward as the comfort food. I also am a great baker and a great cook. Not anymore, I eat very simply. But I would make homemade treats for my kids too.
And so I would run because as I got older that caught up with me. Back in college when school got hard I would bake a pan of brownies, sit there and study and eat. To me those things went together. My brain worked better if I sat down and I would do my homework if I had some homemade little treat with me. Your body doesn’t love that forever.
And so I started running because I was gaining the freshman 15. And that’s when I started running. I wasn’t a runner in high school. I started learning how to control my weight that way and I didn’t even realize it had anything to do with my silly habits. I was sitting down with something with sugar in it.
As time went on I realized that I was aching something for the family dessert, for dinner, when in fact I might be having an emotionally hard day. That was actually just my way of self-medicating. And we had stories in my family of my grandmother’s shivering in Wyoming or Colorado, she lived in both places which are very cold in the winter time, on the radiator, next to the wall, eating a bowl of ice cream with our famous Ewers’ hot fudge. It was back generations in time in my family. We’re all chocoholics.
One of the things that I had to do was do kind of a ritual, and the ceremony is called [Unintelligible 00:20:42] in Ayurvedic medicine where you let go of things in your ancestral lineage that don’t serve you, and have gratitude and appreciation for all the things that your family has brought for you. And I put a Hershey’s chocolate bar, I broke it up and put it into the river and let it go. And I said, “Okay, that’s no longer what I’m doing now for my being able to concentrate.” Which was very challenging when I was in my doctoral program and sitting down to do a dissertation. What am I going to do to concentrate?
You have to learn new habits. But that was a big one for me is the sugar thing. And it turns out that I really… Now we do genetic testing and I love this time of being in medicine because I love using that. I have genes that don’t support really good dopamine production. And so people that are addicts like that they often have these mutations in their genetics. And as I said it goes back generations in my family. We’ve all figured out ways to make sure that we can focus, and concentrate, and have good motivation in our lives through using some sort of addiction.
Dr. Veronica: I want to switch over a little bit to a very sensitive subject, but you put it out there and shared it with us so freely. A lot of people have been through sexual abuse. A lot of people have that in their lineage, sexual abuse going through their families. And so I don’t know if that’s something that has been within your family. And so you realize that this energy was in me. And so therefore it happened to me.
I’ve seen this in family lines. It seems to be passed on. There’s a conspiracy of silence around it. The person who’s abused is not supposed to say anything. The person who is the abuser is protected and thus it keeps going on. The energy keeps travelling from generation to generation.
Dr. Keesha: It’s one in four girls that we know about. And boys also get sexually abused. And I was you could say from the pattern that you’re talking about, which is very common, you could say I was lucky because it didn’t come from my family and I don’t have a generational thing with it. It happened with the vice principle in my elementary school.
That’s what I mean why it was screwing with your mind as a little kid, getting called into the principal’s office like you’re in trouble. That’s what it was for me. And it wasn’t family at all. But two of my sons, that’s why I got breast cancer. Several years later after my rheumatoid arthritis, I healed that. It had been many, many years.
My grown 18 year old son came to me and said that he had had some sexual abuse from a male baby sitter that I had come over while I went grocery shopping. I had four kids and the two older ones were outside playing. So I invited this kid that came in over. Sometimes his mom and I ran together. I said, “You want to come over and play with the boys and then I’m going to go grocery shopping. I’ll be back and it’ll be easier for them.” It turns out that he experimented with both my sons and they told me 16 years after the fact.
Well, having my own experience of that it was the very worst thing I could hear from my children. It was this shock of shame and guilt and what if. Why was I so lazy that I didn’t just take them all to the store with me, all of that. It just shattered everything inside of me about protecting my kids from the very worst thing I could even imagine for them. Within four months I had a tumor over my heart, on my left breast.
When it was found and I was diagnosed I said, “I know exactly why I have that and I know what had to happen.” I went home directly from having my biopsy and I found this man and called him up, located him. When I called him he said, “I’ve been expecting this call for the last 15 years.” I knew he too was also suffering. He was only 12 years old when he did this.
The first thing I needed to know was why. For a lot of sexual abuse like that it’s not about sex it’s about power like in my case with this vice principal. It really wasn’t about sex. It’s never about that. It’s misuse of power and something else going on for them. But for this it was sexual curiosity.
I connected him to my sons and we had this amazing forgiveness process, the way I was able to facilitate this. And then I made him responsible for paying for therapy for them so that he had some skin in the game. It was the amazing… I can’t even describe it Veronica. My kids responded to therapy instantly. He was freed from this probably cancer of his own of guilt and shame. I was able to do a lot of really deep work of energetic way, and also therapy in that month. That tumor was gone in one month.
I’m really very clear that whatever happens in my body is a result of what’s going on with agreements in my cells and in my mind as part of my, I know I’m here to learn how to forgive. And that’s really clear. I think that when we get too hung up on illness being something that you can’t overcome, or it’s something that should be overcome… Sometimes illness is the teacher. That’s kind of a long-winded answer to that but…
Dr. Veronica: I got say I appreciate you being so open, honest, and sharing about something that’s so difficult to share about, but a lot of people had been through it.
Dr. Keesha: Yes, they have.
Dr. Veronica: I tell people the truth shall set you free. And also truth heals. Not only you’re healing but your sons are healing. And this other person who we would call the perpetrator we might want to throw in the basement and never talk about him punished. You actually brought him into the fold and said, you need healing too. I really appreciate that you shared that because I know when people see this this is going to help so many people.
Now, the mystic medicine, we’re talking about mystic medicine right here. We’re talking about the spiritual side. Shift us into this mystic medicine. I talk about myself as a medical intuitive. You’re a mystic medicine woman. Talk about that a little bit.
Dr. Keesha: I also am a medical intuitive. The reason I use the word mystic is because I want to bring people back into the idea that everything is of god. I don’t care what your language is. If you don’t believe in god, if you don’t talk about god, I don’t care about religion that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about that creative inner spark that you have inside your heart that connects you to the source. You are part of creation. We are part and parcel co-creators of our lives, of everything that happens around us. That makes you automatically sacred. Everything is sacred.
Rheumatoid arthritis is of god, breast cancer is of god, sexual abuse is of god. That’s the thing mystic medicine is for me, is that everything is god. And that’s going to be hard for a lot of people to hear because people want to categorize things as evil or sacred. What I learned through this process is that everything is god. God’s not punishing you with something. Disease is not a punishment from god. We are not impure vessels. We’re not sinners. Everything is of god. And that’s what mysticism is, is the recognition that everybody and everything is part of god.
To me mystic medicine is bringing that back in. It’s recognizing that how you tell your story is really the most important thing that you can do. Are you a victim or are you powerful? Mystic medicine is all about healing that and recognition that you are powerful. You never weren’t powerful. And as a child when you were powerless, because we are powerless as children, that you’re going to grow to an adult and you can change that story. And you can become powerful and reclaim it.
One of the things in my meditations that has come to me is that there’s this grid of light that kind of holds the universe together. And I’ve seen this in art. Alex Gray has painted the things that I’ve seen in meditation. And so I know this is the experience of so many other people. We’re all beings of light. That there’s grid of light that’s all around us.
One of the things that one day I saw was that if we aren’t lit up that we’re actually weakening the fiber that holds all of our species together, that this is the thing that’s the most important is that we all show up, lit up to our highest potential. And that is being a mystic. It’s saying that everything and everybody is sacred, and it’s important that we have each other’s backs and that we light ourselves up. And we don’t hide ourselves because we’re afraid of being seen as powerful. But we are, we’re all powerful beings. We all have our unique talents and gifts.
Dr. Veronica: Yes. And so saying everybody’s sacred, even the perpetrator is sacred. What I love about you is that you don’t just go with the woo woo, you also help people heal with concrete ways. I want to segue in and finish this because you have the Women’s Vitality Summit coming up, which I’m going to be on with you.
Dr. Keesha: Yes, you are.
Dr. Veronica: I’m looking forward to that. Tell us about the Women’s Vitality Summit, because this is not just woo woo, I know you go off and take people to Africa to have these experiences. What’s interesting about Africa, because my husband’s from West Africa and I’ve been there. Africa for me is doesn’t energetically fit at this point, in that part of Africa because it’s so…
Dr. Keesha: Africa’s huge.
Dr. Veronica: Africa’s huge, 54 countries, and the part I’ve been is a stark vortex. I’m like, “I never want to go back there again because I’m so sensitive. I never want to go back to that place again.”
Dr. Keesha: Come with me. I’ll make you…
Dr. Veronica: I’m going to come with you one day.
Dr. Keesha: I’ll take you to a part of Africa that you’ll fall in love with.
Dr. Veronica: I’m looking forward to that. But Women’s Vitality Summit is a way to help people come into their own as women. Tell us a little bit about that.
Dr. Keesha: One of the things that I’m sure you see and that I have seen over 30 years of being in medicine is that in this era women feel like they have to bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and look hot at the same time, correct?
Dr. Veronica: Yes.
Dr. Keesha: Overscheduled, over-stressed, and really overburdened with the weight of everything that they have taken on for themselves. This is all self-induced. I don’t believe anybody expects all that of us, it’s just us that expects all that of all of us. One of the things that I realize is I was seeing clients in my office, my patients would come in as if they’ve been hit by Mack Trucks after the holidays, or just anything.
“I can’t lose weight Dr. Keesha. You gave bio identical hormones to my neighbor and she feels fantastic. I want some of that.” And I start asking questions, “Why do you think you need hormones?” My libido’s completely gone and I can’t lose weight. I’m just a raving maniac. I can’t sleep and I can’t remember anything.” When I start asking simple questions like, “Tell me about what a normal day looks like for you.” Hormone’s aren’t going to help this.
I started saying when we start really looking at root cause we’ve got to get down to self-care. The Women’s Vitality Summit’s tagline is caring for yourself, body and soul. The guest that I have come on range from functional medicine as in physical, to medical intuitive like you, to people that are psychotherapists, and people who work on all different layers, Ayurvedic medicine.
Because I know that women tend to now focus on… The way that we do is a cultural story, the magic pill theory. People want a really fast fix. “Have you got a supplement that I can take for that?” If you’re in functional medicine which is the same thing, it’s green allopathy. No, there’s no magic supplement either. I don’t care [Unintelligible 00:34:20] out there. Or the super food, they want to say, “If I eat a bunch of kale then I’m going to be okay. I can still have my Red Bull and power through.”
The Women’s Vitality Summit came as an outgrowth of this. I look at your libido level as the way Ayurvedic would set it which is [Unintelligible 00:34:40], which is your life force. It’s like the little indicator light on the dashboard of your car. If your gas tank is empty you know if you drive, if you press down on that gas pedal harder and expect to go further, faster, and longer you’re going to break down on the side of the road and not go anywhere.
And our bodies are the same. We have these little feedback gauges, and libido is one, your weight is another, your blood pressure is one, your eye sight is one, your hair is one. And we tend to be so disconnected from ourselves that we’re not paying attention to the really loud feedback our bodies are giving to us to tell us how we’re doing.
The Women’s Vitality Summit came as my mission to start getting women in touch with themselves. To really understand that if they’re caring for everyone else and not themselves that there wouldn’t be anything left over and you’re not doing anyone any good. That there’s this well that’s in your heart center. And if you’re trying to dip into it to feed other people and it’s empty then you got nothing. And it’s the same as breaking down on the side of the road. And instead of refueling we’re grabbing Red Bulls, and coffees, and Snickers bars, and bananas, and trying to get through.
I’m just kind of like, stop the madness, and you’ve got this one lifetime. You’ve got this beautiful body that you live in. Stop hating it. Start getting into a collaborative team with it, and working on your purpose. And quit worrying about what the scale says or what the wrinkle that’s appearing on your face is meaning about you and whatever. Get on with it. Live your sacred life. Be strong and powerful and shine. The Women’s Vitality Summit is a lot of really amazing concrete tips about how to do that.
Dr. Veronica: You got to share with us now where we could find out more about the Women’s Vitality Summit.
Dr. Keesha: drkeesha.com, the Women’s Vitality Summit from September 2016 is there. And there’s a bundle that you can buy for a very nominal price which is over 50 speakers. Now we have, I’m calling it the expansion pack coming out in April which is another summit.
One of the things I’m calling for, and Dr. Veronica I appreciate actually being able to come on here. This is the first live thing that I’ve made, this call. If anything I said to your listeners is resonating and you would like to be a leader and form a women’s group or a women’s circle, I’m actually creating those around the world to watch the Women’s Vitality Summit. So your listeners can get together kind of like in a book club format in their living rooms and watch you, and talk about…
I’m going to send out a little workbook and a little curriculum, then you have some questions, and you can really dive deep and explore this, not just listen to it while you’re dropping off your kid at soccer or while you’re on the treadmill. But really say what are my actionable steps I can take next to step into the person that I know and capable of being. And I haven’t felt like I had the energy to do it. They can email me, [email protected].
Dr. Veronica: Wonderful. I can tell you’re also a host because you spell everything. Because I used to spell things for people. I say, “I want you know how to find this so I’m going to spell it for you. You did it all for me.” Dr. Keesha, drkeesha.com, I think you so much. This is the founder of the Women’s Vitality Summit.
And you’re going to see me on the Women’s Vitality Summit. I’m so excited to have been asked. I feel blessed and honored to have been asked so I can share the woo woo side of me. That medicine side it’s there. I use it every single day. But the woo woo side, it’s there too, and that’s how I really get amazing results for people. Dr. Keesha, soul sister, thank you so much for being on Dr. Veronica’s Wellness Revolution.
Dr. Keesha: Thank you. It was my pleasure.
Female VO: Thank you for listening to the Wellness Revolution Podcast. If you want to hear more on how to bring wellness into your life visit drveronica.com. See you all next week. Take care.