Sarah Roberts
Certified Health Coach at OBAATCoaching.com; Host+Producer, REALTalk With Sarah (TV Show); Author; Founder, SarahTalksFood.com Most active on Facebook and Instagram @sarahtalksfood
We are soooo close! Here we go with Tip #9: H-A-L-T!
When we get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired (HALT), we can be lured towards making decisions that lead us farther away from our goals. If we can notice our feelings and the cravings they produce before acting on them, we can avoid falling into old patterns. How? Here are my top suggestions:
HUNGRY? EAT! We can't fear food if we are going to live our healthiest lives. Eating regularly (not starving ourselves!) and enjoying as many real, whole foods as possible has the power to set us on a course to improve every area of our lives.
ANGRY? SET BOUNDARIES. When we set clear boundaries, people are less likely to cross them. In this way, we can lessen our feelings of anger. Noticing our feelings of anger--and where they show up in our bodies--is also key. I tend to feel anger in my stomach, which can have an impact on my digestion. Actively sitting with my anger and allowing it to work through my body and be diffused--is key to helping me release it. Somatic (body) work can really help here (think Yoga, Pilates, deep breathing, Qigong, etc.).
LONELY? CONNECT with others in real life by joining hobby groups, exercise classes, walking groups or having coffee regularly with a good friend.
TIRED? SLEEP! When we are tired, our cravings for sugar go through the roof because our brains REALLY want sleep, yet we make them stay awake, so, they crave the fastest source of energy--sugar! Prioritize this main tenet of health by creating a "shut-down" ritual, going to bed and waking at the same time daily, avoiding blue light 1-3 hours before bed, allowing for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, and sleeping in a cool, dark room.
I hope these strategies help you to lean into your feelings in order to uncover what's REALLY going on inside of you and in this way, help you to combat cravings and heal sugar addiction.
P.S. Want To Work With Me?
Would you like to go deeper and begin to excavate your BEST LIFE? If you choose to join my next round of One Bite at A Time (OBAAT) ONLINE group coaching, you will not only be able to finally break free from old patterns that have kept you stuck, but you will be creating a lifestyle that you don't feel the need to escape from!
I'd love to work together, if you feel called. I am confident I am the coach to help you truly reach your health and wellness goals. Be forewarned: We go DEEP! My program is the result of over 17 years of creating a lifestyle I love and living in a body that feels like HOME. While we share recipes and meal ideas and exercise tips, the work we do gets to the ROOT CAUSE of our habits and behaviours. In this way, we don't simply take the next step, we transcend the staircase! If this sounds interesting to you, I invite you to visit the website to learn more at OBAATCoaching.com.
Remember...we get ONE body. We get ONE life. Let's make the MOST of it!
P.P.S. Oh, I almost forgot the BEST part! Once you join OBAAT ONE time, you will have LIFETIME access to not only your content (the weekly videos, homework, extras, etc.) but you'll have access to ALL future rounds of OBAAT for FREE. Some of my students have been with me for almost a year! They keep reaffirming their WHY. They keep digging deeper into old patterns. They keep learning new strategies and protocols. They connect more deeply with themselves and others. They build on exercise regimens that support their health. They cook new recipes they may not have otherwise tried. They have more fun than they have ever had in another lifestyle program. And they keep coming back to support others and to be of service. I love it. And I'd love for you to experience it, too. OBAATCoaching.com.