Healing the stress with energy
Photo by Pexel by RODNAE Productions

Healing the stress with energy

The year before the Pandemic of COVID-19, I wasn't energetic as I am today.

Those were the days when I always feel like lazy, shy, lack of self-esteem, lack of inner confidence, lacked the ability, and so many things.

I wasn't so much feeling powerful.

When the COVID-19, Corona epidemic Came to India, I was fired by the company, where I was working as a Site Engineer.

That was the last day when I realized, how much power the corporate has, and how ruthless it is, in reality.

I got a kick on my butts to get off my ASS, because, the company was no more working, and it couldn't continue its work, until the Epidemic.

They assured me about the surety of JOB after the crisis and epidemic, but, CORONA taught them something and everything to me.

When I got some free time, Thanks to CORONA because it gives me time and the ability to pay attention to safety, health, and hygiene. No, Thanks to CORONA, because, many Humans from all over the world, pay the price for their death.

I don't know that, how you use that free time, if you wish, then comment below, But;

I use that time to understand the Market, My Potential, Awareness of Myself, and clearing clarity of myself.

I put every moment of my life, towards the next Upgraded, and better version of me. And here is what I did for my lack of inner confidence, lack of energy, lack of capacity, and feeling sleepy always.

When I started doing the things, you're going to learn, It took just 7 days to realize the changes. And I hope, you'll get the same result as I got, and getting.

It's like, 7 days challenge. Comment me below if you found any changes within, to help me understand, this technique is also useful to others too.

Water technique:

The human body is filled with more than 60% of water. The most important thing for humans, to feel the energy inside, is Water.

When I started, taking a 6-liter intake every day, I changed myself, radically. I started feeling more energy and important is, I never ever felt sleepy and lazy then.

Here is the water technique article about How I made it possible

20 minutes exercise

TODAY's human is really not getting time to do exercise with his busy schedule. His energy is then going down and down and down every day and every moment.

Still, there is a lot of time available there to make it happen.

When you wake up in the morning, you can immediately start your exercise.

When I get to wake up, I first get out of my bed within the first 20 seconds. And then I take 3 minutes of the walk near to the house, with fresh air. Then I come to my house again, I involve myself in making my bed, and its neatness. This took 2 minutes again. Then immediately after, I start exercising for the next 20 minutes.

I never ever touch my phone or connect with the internet, and no one a special in my life more than my family, who is important to me immediately after waking up.

So who is more important to you? Comment it below.

Proper sleep

Though, I have never considered this factor in taking a long 8 hours of sleep. My brain today is more productive than it was 3 years before.

I, too, take the 8 hours of sleep, but, sleep times are divided into several factors. Such as, I take 4 hours of sleep at night, and then 15 to 30 minutes of sleep, once after every 4 hours.

This way, I never feel tired, and I get the most time out of the day, to do more productive work.

Now, how do you take sleep every day? Comment it below.

20 minutes walk-out in fresh air

In the evening time, 20 minutes of walkout not only gives you a feeling of freshness within but, also connects you with those persons, who are just going to their homes after a long day of tiring work.

My business needs connections to grow, hence, this 20 minutes every day, gives me the ability to feel the freshness within and connects me with more people.

Do you take 20 minutes of the fresh walk? If you take it, what do you do with it?

15 minutes meditation, 15-minute breathing exercises, or yoga

After the 20 minutes of walking outside, every evening, 15 minutes of YOGA and breathing exercise pumps my body with more fresh feelings and confidence, and Meditation gives me a peaceful mind and stability within.

Do you do this? comment it below.

Positive circle of community

If I am having time to spend, I never have those time to spend with those people who are not able to give me learning, and, who are having the whole world works in their head. Because they are already really very busy with the world problems, and hence, they are simply unable to teach me more.

I've my set rules of life, as you've already learned in the 'Power is in the choice' article.

These rules of my life give me the ability to select what is perfect for me and for my success.

Most people are puppets, and they are simply unable to control their life.

I recommend you to read that article, so you can become to realize, how much power you have within.

Comment me below, if you read and set your rules.

Happy, positive & progressive conversation with the community

My community, which included my own family, friend, and circles, do know my nature.

If I am with them, the conversation will never go to negativity, inability, and lack of self-esteem.

When you've your Set rules of life, and if you deliberately follow them with your heart, those rules will become your nature, and that nature will impact the surrounding.

This is how, great leaders impact life, and creates their history.

Great leaders don't come to vanish into history, they come to LIVE from history to the future.

The moment people say they are living, and they don't want to waste their current time, seems like magic and motivating personality, but, reality lies in reality itself. Because, it's not about What you're committed to doing and how you live your life, it's about, where that goes.

Having goals in life

History doesn't consider How you live your life, and how you struggle to live, but it considers, Where that struggle leads you.

Every man and woman, every leaving creature, is struggling to live. It's an essential part of our life, and if we can't do this, we'll not live anymore then.

You're struggling, I know, you're very hardly struggling, I REALLY KNOW, You're giving your 100%, I know this even, I can feel it, I can understand it, and I really mean it. But;

Where that struggle is going?

Is that going towards your dreams? Or, towards your today's life? Is your struggle giving just 1% progress towards your dream, or you're just going to do it after age 55?

One of my friends, is so much positive, and he thinks, he is going to complete his every dream with lots of money, only after the age of 55. And God blessed him with no obligations towards his life, and I really wish he'll live to see it, with good health, no stress, no pain, peaceful life, I hope, no recession will come, which comes after 20 to 30 years compulsory.

When I was watching a video of "Sony Sharma", he once asked the audience, "Where is the world's most valuable, priceless, and richest place?"

No one knows the answer, and he said, "It is Cemetery" and he smiled. He added further, 'Do you why it is the world's most valuable, priceless, and richest place?'

Again, no one has the answer, he said, 'Because it is buried with Trillions of Ideas, which were able to transform the world'

I really don't want to motivate, this is not why I am here, But, I want to give you the inner burning fire, That I am having.

I am not getting motivation from the outside, hence, I can't give you the same. But, I am having a burning fire inside, therefore, I can give it to you.

I know, all of you have a thousand ideas and dreams, but, it's going to get buried in a cemetery or going to get vanish with you if you don't give them birth.

Write books, and articles, create videos, do whatever you can think, but, let them take birth on this planet. They are crying and yelling inside. They are begging you. How could you ever be so heartless?

Your dream can be your goal. You do not have to make new goals.

Having small tasks in day to day life that produces results for end goals or dreams

Millions, and millions of people, don't do anything toward their dreams.

They have dreams, but they never ever take any decision about them.

Do you know why?

Because they don't have time for it.

Yes, it's true.


It's like, your wife is soooooooo much beautiful, and so, you need to give 6 months to 1 year to her of your life, not a daily moment.

Suppose, You've just married her, and you're eagerly looking for time to spend with her. Because you're so much passionate about her, you really care for her, you really respect her, and hence, you think, you need to give 6 to 1 year in a row to her. So that, she can simply feel good with you. And for spending such big time with her, you're working really hard every moment of your life, and not spending even a single moment with her every day.

Now, who the f*ck shit does this?

Once a person gets married, he or she never loses a single moment of their life to spend with their partner. Or at least, they spend 10 minutes of life every day, to make their partner happy, to kiss them, to give them their love?

Don't anyone do this?

And what does the same person do with their dreams?

They think they have to spend quality time with their dream, because, their dreams are priceless.

And I don't know how partners live together, but, I've seen, If a person is not giving daily attention to their partner, their partner takes divorce with them, and they get married to another person.

Don't you think that this is the same happens with your ideas, which are currently highly profitable in the world, but, others own them before you?

How many of you, were wished to start companies like OLA, redbus, and ZOMATO, but never started, and now, they are highly profitable businesses?

Your dreams are your partner. They need your attention. At Alt east, 1% daily with results.

Do spend time with them, don't wait for time. And don't cry if they go with others.

Setting the rules of life

Most essential, and important.

Whoever has the rules for his life, and if he is following them heartily, he'll win the situation. Set the rules for time, success, what to accept and what not to accept, how to use and how not to use.

Rules created history, because, they are Powerful within.

The commitment to obeying rules

Commit yourself to obey your rules. Don't let yourself, even for a second disobey it.

Don't think that no one is watching, and you can disobey your rules, but, remember that, your own rules watching you.

Because they are rules, they are powerful, and if they don't think, you're fit for them, they will vanish your life. Don't play with them.

Comment, like, and share, if you like it.

See you soon!


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