Healing self from a heart break
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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“It's not that deep, it will heal slowly. No, worries.” The doctor declared after he completed his inspection, taking out one of the pen in the table and scribbling something on the white small chit. How could he be so sure that it would heal? Why didn't he tell me the time duration in which it would be healed? I thought.
Heartbreak can really happen to anyone through hatred, betrayal, love, failure and there is no perfect solution for such symptoms, once in a lifetime everyone faces such circumstances, sometimes it results into something worse, but only a strong person can get over the past. Heartbreak is one of the most depressed situations a person can ever face in life time.
We know that it is so hard to define in words only the person who has gone through this phase can understand it but if you are true and loyal to yourself much better opportunities are waiting for you, take your time and get back to your original state, life is amazing, if you have failed don’t lose hope life has planned something better for you, because every winner was once a failure, we remember the recent case or heart break of the leading movie star in India.
And what people do generally after a heart break, you curse yourself, you blame yourself for everything what happened. You cry on the pillow to sleep only to wake up with the tears dried around your eyes. You cannot trust anyone, because honestly, you cannot even trust yourself. All your dreams of that perfect life with that perfect person comes crashing down like a castle of glass getting besieged by a rain of stones.
You don’t fear the world anymore because you’ve seen the worst kid of people. Now, you decide to love yourself. You give yourself 100% of your attention. You work on your body, you work on your mind. With time you truly evolve; evolve into someone you never thought you could be. The next time you fall in love, because you still fall in love faster than the drops of rain in a storm rushing to hit the ground— you’ll love her like anything. It doesn’t matter what the rules of dating say or what the movies have fed the world; you know you’ll be the perfect boyfriend she doesn’t even know could exist.
Congratulations, you now have a broken heart and you think there’s not an ounce of loyalty left in this world. How do you heal a broken heart? You give yourself the time you need to learn to love yourself first. Healing process starts with healing yourself with kindness and self love and care. A struggle is the most inspirational thing in the world. It is really never late to start over, chase your dreams, create healthy relationships, understand God's power, change your ways, be positive, hope, accept the lord, forgive the person who hurt you, learn something new.
Do what you've always wanted to do, say "I'm sorry, inspire yourself, begin again, put your past in your past. Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be. choose friends who you are proud to know, people you admire, who love and respect you people who make your day a little brighter by being in it. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. not everything in life will be fair in any case, act honestly.
When you free yourself from negative people, you free yourself to be you and being you is the only way to live. Always believe something wonderful is going to happen. not everyone will tell you the truth in any case, remain sincere. Even with all the ups and downs, never take a day for granted. Smile, cherish the little things and remember to hug the ones you love.
Remember that the world is full of good people who, no matter what you do, no matter what you try, will not like you. but there are also those who will love you. the ones who love you they are your people. Be with those kind and caring people who will always help in the healing process. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre
Accounts Receivable Officer at Office Beacon A.S.Pvt Ltd
4 年excellent article- heart breaks are really devastating but one must try to recover from it- Life is cruel as well as kind.
Master of political science at ?bo Akademin Turku
4 年??????