Healing and resolving conflict in Hempstead.

Self hate, self negation, tribalism, bickering, slander, turf beefs, unresolved pain, fratricide and systemic economic disenfranchisement along with red lining that has concentrated poverty in Hempstead coupled with this racist gentrification (Renaissance MDA) project must be remedied by us and it is the direct result of lack of leadership, not focussing resources on social restoration, healing, cultural development and instead prioritizing militarizing police with an alienating spirit, who have no intent of justice and allowing outsiders to dictate the development of Hempstead that has displaced a generation of thousands of Black Hemsptead over 20 years and robbed our tax base of $300 million dollars, $100 million that is due now.

I have been proposing a restoration Center in Hempstead for years. We must form a conflict resolution institution in Hempstead that mission is to hear sides out and allow our People to vent and make working solutions that settle both sides and deliver justice. This resolution center should be available with the option for anonymous and discreet service if participants don’t want their business in the hood into hater’s mouths.

This is a start for us to do some soul searching for what should be prioritized by us and to aim at increasing the quality of life for us, instead of relying on the direction and influence of smiling Caucasians that hate us, teach ignorance, import guns and drugs into out hoods and will always under aim us and keep us as a permeate underclass.

We can only rely on Allah and ourselves!


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