Healing Power that's been ignored
Enrique Hank Feldman
Public Speaker, Brain/Mental Fitness, Sustainability, & Executive Coach, Innovation Consultant
That's me and my daughter. My daughter has traversed the landscape of severe depression and anxiety for many years. She managed it as best she could. It was dark, difficult and inspiring to see her somehow get through life, even with some very close calls. Today she says, "my anxiety and depression" are almost completely eradicated." These are her words, and she is a skeptic. She had tried everything and nothing really helped. She leaned on me and her mom, and together we simply gave her unconditional love, but this alone was also not enough.
By the way, there is no video to watch at the end of this article. I'm going to tell you exactly what's up, and how my family, friends, and colleagues are healing ourselves.
That is my wife Marie, amazing pianist who I met when she was on faculty at Vanderbilt University. We are best friends, lovers, colleagues and explorers of the world. My wife had IBS that was mild at first, for decades, and last year it became severe.
In 7 weeks, her IBS went from severe to approx. 90% gone. These are her words, and she is also a skeptic. For my daughter, in 3 months she went from a profound emotional state of struggling, to "holy crap dad, is this what it feels like to be happy?"
Question for you, and keep in mind that I'm the Founder and Director of Learning for a non profit organization, the Global Learning Foundation, which works with all ages related to how we can learn how to learn and strive for our best self.
"If you found a way to holistically heal someone you love, someone you'd die for, who would you not share it with?"
My answer is no one.... I share this with everyone I know. My attempt is to do so authentically, which is why I'm writing an article on this experience, and not just a post. To date, we have thousands of testimonials similar to that of my daughter and wife. From reversing lupus and other auto-immune diseases, to stabilizing blood sugar and getting of high blood pressure meds (that is one of my testimonials), to improved emotional response to stress. From veterans with PTSD, to helping reduce pain.
Why? All of these things? From what? In two words, CBD Fluid (not oil) and Plant-based Enzymes (not digestive enzymes). The world of supplements and CBD is a non-regulated industry with many slick salespeople who don't know what's in their product and don't care... so beware. I know what is in the product I give to my kids. The CBD fluid we take has one ingredient... as in 1... the entire Cannabis plant, not the stem, or the leaf, etc., but rather the entire thing. Know this...
CBD Fluid has the tendency to reduce inflammation, sometimes radically.
Why fluid and not oil? Even when taken under the tongue, oil is oil and the body has to process it... this is science... this means that in the end, even CBD oil that is free of chemicals, will have an absorption rate of no more than 10-12%. The CBD fluid I take myself to shrink a benign tumor on my pituitary gland is water based, had no heat used in the extraction process and no chemicals added. The patent that is held, is for the extraction process, so get ready for rosemary fluid, etc.
The absorption rate of our CBD fluid is between 60-90%. It can vary greatly with each of us, based on our needs.
I'm not going to go into the plant-based enzymes in this article. I'll write another about those amazing soy-free, gluten-free, chemical-free formulas that break down everything I eat to the amino-acid level.
One last thing... you have one of those systems in your body... we all do. We have a nervous system, an endocrine system and yes, we all have an endocannabinoid system. When I type that word, it doesn't even come up as spelled correctly, because up until the Farm Bill passed last November, this was not common knowledge. Why? I'll let you figure that one out. Follow the money trail.
So, no video to watch... that's it and here is how you can learn more and order some.
- To learn more, go to https://www.brizopure.com/ use code 37534, set up your account and enjoy.
- For free shipping, for the first 35 responses, message me and we will reimburse you for shipping.
- For dosage info and feedback in general, I'm offering a free consultation call for the first 100 responses.
- If you want me to speak at your conference or event, I do speak about this, in addition to how we can re-wire our brains, elevate our energy, and impact our memory. You can check me out at https://enriquecfeldman.com/experience-enrique-now/
How about that? No weird video, no strange pitch. I've found ways to heal myself and my family and friends. I've connected my Foundation to the makers of the CBD and the Enzymes, and other products that work because there's nothing but mother earth inside them.
I used to weigh 310 lbs, be on high blood pressure meds, and my arterial elasticity was 35%. Four years ago I got that score up to 56%. As of April of 2019, that score is 98%. I'm 52, and I'm med-free, my body fat is down to 15% and I'm still going. I weigh 245lbs and sculpting my body, improving my balance and becoming very flexible with yoga. 10 years ago my health was a mess. I run with young ones and think with wise ones. There are many variable, like nutrition, AND my endocannabinoid system is blossoming, helping my endocrine and nervous systems do their thing.
Help your body do it's thing... heal. Reach out with any questions. Bring me if you and your organization need some inspiration. It's what I do, and in concrete ways, from small groups to large groups of 6,000 plus.
Heal and help other heal... it's why we're here.