(Excerpts from the book The Six Secrets of Life)

THE HEALING POWER OF EMPATHIC VOICE (Excerpts from the book The Six Secrets of Life)

Ever heard of some people having an uncanny ability to manifest whatever they say? In our folklore it is referred to as kaali zuban ?or a tongue that manifests whatever words a re spoken by that person.

One of the most revered schools of ancient wisdom is the Rikhiapeeth School of Yoga in Jharkhand, India. The school provides knowledge from the ancient texts of Yoga, Mantra and Tantra. The founding seer often used his enlightenment of spirituality and occult formulated thousands of years ago to manifest remarkable conditions in people’s lives. The seed of manifestation he used was the power of Mantra. I had the occasion to gather much knowledge from this place of powerful meditative energy.

They speak of a mysterious infinite power at the base of all existence. Of the oneness of individual mind and that of the infinite.

Through experimentation they are able to demonstrate that “Mantra” a sound, whether spoken aloud or subliminally, has a distinct pulsation which resonates with certain mental frequencies. Different mantras are able to radically transform consciousness as they create neural pathways corresponding to their oscillation. This alters thought and brings remarkable healing in all aspects of life.

In Rikhiapeeth, I saw mantras healing people of disease. Healing them of poverty. Using the focussed power of this sound these yogis are able to control even their brain waves.

The Jet Propulsion laboratory at the California Institute of technology says that

“Before there were any stars or galaxies, 13.8 billion years ago, our universe was just a ball of hot plasma …… Sound waves shook this infant universe, triggered by minute, or "quantum," fluctuations happening just moments after the big bang that created our universe.”

From the power of Tantra (an ancient Indian philosophy and science), I learnt that words become flesh and words also become things.

Each word we speak has a hue, a form and

a circumstance attached to it

things that it will manifest.

Every day, we fulfil many of our spoken predictions and yet, remain in the dark about them.

“I always miss my morning transport to office.”

I have to eat out every day. I hope I don’t fall ill.”

“People don’t work unless you scream at them. I have to do everything.”

Our very own spoken word, our magic wand creates these realities in our lives.

It is up to us to prophesise better, isn’t it?

However, most people are not able to correct their spoken word and what it creates substantially. They use affirmations, but things don’t really alter fundamentally for them. Why?

Because, the soil which generates their speech hasn’t undergone any transformation.

There is always a residue of unkind words the world has said to us; residing inside our cells and in our subconscious mind. Even the air around has that. Many times, our speech is subconsciously prompted by this residue. Either in words, an aggressive tone or in bodily cues. Unless this residue is cleaned, our words cannot attract what we want them to.

Empathic Speech is an expressive technique, a way of thought.

Let me break down the process into three simple steps

??????? Self Empathy: Cleaning the inside, Stop Criticism and Speak & Listen



To begin, try dedicating a day to self-awareness, noticing what you say, your tone, without activating your inner critic. See if you can sense the emotions your words create.

How do you feel after speaking?

How do other people react?

That night, ask yourself some questions, without judging yourself. With empathy.

What suppressed anger or grief or longing lies frozen in me?

What did I really want to say?

How did I mask those inner feelings?

Maybe on the first night or maybe in a few days you will start becoming aware of the buried emotional issues. This is the core behind your speech, especially when you are whining or criticising.

It will be very essential to own these issues. Only then will higher awareness seep in.

Disowned pain has a habit of leaking through our words. When we own and hand it over to a higher source, it nullifies.

Once we are even partly aware of these emotions, we begin the process of self healing through ‘Mantra’ or powerful words. This process can be done any time of the day. Preferably early morning or before sleeping.

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and start to recite the Mantra very gently. You must be in a state of relaxation. As we recite, we keep on relaxing more and more. Do not focus your thoughts on anything. Let the thoughts come and go.

The number of times a Mantra is spoken is not important, the state of relaxation is. You can choose any of the mantras

1. Mool Mantra from the Sikh scriptures.

2.????? OM (from Hindu scriptures)

3.????? Om Mani Padme Hum(Buddhist Mantra)

4.????? Praise Divine, Grace Sublime(a universal chant).

In a few days the inner hurt will begin to dissipate, our energy will be refined and we will notice a distinct change in our tone.


The pristine Law of Oneness says that there is only one. That we are all connected indelibly. Akin to the human body.

Can I, then hurt my hand without damaging myself? A corollary to the above law is that when we criticize others, we partake a portion of their Karma upon ourselves.

During one of my seminars I met Duke. Young, but suffering from joint pains. He was very rancorous of his in-laws and constantly spoke ill of them. I asked him if he could stop.

He did and healed within a month.

Can we make a choice not to criticize?

To avoid even being a silent party to conversations of disparagement.


Imagine speaking to someone and that person really understands what you are saying. She comprehends not just the words you speak but also your inner intent. As if you and she are connected through deeper portions of your minds and are in tune to those.

As you are about to speak, just reflect on your proposed words

Is it really what I want to convey?

Will it help me and the listener?

What will it attract?

Remembering to ask them will at least give you a pause, and that pause can be enough to hold back torrents of trouble.

As we engage in reflection, notice how speaking and listening become inseparable. They complete each other.

Speaking not just from your vocal cords, but from within. Listening, trying to understand. As we become aware of speaking and listening mindfully, similar neurons light up in the brains of people so communicating.

Research in the neurobiology of empathy using functional magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates that people unconsciously mimic the actions and facial expressions of others. If a person’s hand muscle is pricked, for example, similar sensory areas are activated in the brain of the observer.

Research says that if ‘survival of the fittest’ was the only maxim, all species would hurt and kill each other until a handful survived. But survival depends upon mutual help. Empathy is programmed into us. We only need to awaken it.

Our speech can change and inspire the world. But those words must come from an unsullied self. When they resonate with our highest self, emanating from that silent place behind words, they have the power none can fathom.

We must allow the stillness to speak.

Because that is the source of wisdom, of empathy.

(Disclaimer: Views expressed are the author’s own).

Parneet Sachdev

Chairman Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Author, Speaker, Professor of Eminence, and former Principal Chief Commissioner-Income Tax.

4 个月
Indu Aggarwal

TalentGro Global | Disha For Success |Disha For India| SNGL|Contributor in the Growth Story of India| Sapne Dekheinge, Tabi Poore bhi Honge| Advocates Emotional Wellness

4 个月

100% Agree, expressed so well. Our words and thoughts truly design our destiny.


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