Healing the parent. The priceless gift we give our children.
Lyndsay Whitby, PCC, CPCC
Personal Growth and Self-Integration Coach and Trainer.
Hello fellow parent. I hope this finds you well on your parenting journey and creating a timeless bond with your child. This is my biggest wish for all parents. A deeper, more loving connection to self and your children.?
I would like to share an awareness around how our deep inner perception of ourselves impacts our children more so than anything ‘conscious’ that we may wish for them.
In my continuous evolution, which involves many methods of healing trauma, and raising my own vibration I have come to notice how impactful what I am about to share is!
When my oldest daughter was born, I was present physically but very much absent emotionally. I was in what I would say was a “low vibration”. I have no idea the impact this will have on her until later. But more presently I am in a much higher vibration energetically. I have been doing some challenging and dirty emotional work to much success in myself and my influence as a parent and coach.?
Here is a brief and yet powerful example:
?My oldest daughter is 5 years old, and she is what I feel is a bit too “other-conscience”. I was driving her to school on Tuesday morning and I took a newly learned diversion to avoid a time-consuming portion of traffic. She noticed this from the backseat and asked, “dad where are we going? This isn’t the way to school”. I told her, “I am taking a different way. A short cut as Dad doesn’t like to follow everyone else. I worry about me and not everyone else”. I thought no more of it as I was simply sharing my view on why I chose a different route.
The next morning, she had an altercation with her Mum while getting ready for school. When I spoke to her Mum about what happened she explained that she was telling our daughter that what she was wearing wasn’t acceptable. My daughter’s response was, “I do not care what others think of what I am wearing. I like what I am wearing and that is all that matters”. A very unusual response for her.
I being a proud Dad chose to connect it to our previous morning’s discussion. And when reflecting on it I noticed that I am feeling more in synchronisation with myself than ever in life. Warts and all. And hence I feel I influenced her more emphatically than if I simply told her to be anything I couldn’t be.?
And herein lies my point, when we ask of our kids anything that we are not able to be they sense a huge disconnect in authenticity and this in turn causes conflict within them. I see this in so many child-parent relationships in my work. Us parents want the best for our kids yet we seldom question “am I doing the best for myself”. “Am I being all I want my child to be”. If at all the answer in any dynamic is “no”, then I challenge you to focus on these areas and see how the change organically affects your child. It’s like magic.?:-)
I would love to know your thoughts on this in relation to your own parenting and its challenges and successes?
Sending you love, Coach Lyndsay.??:-)